Beverly Feigelman, ACSW, is Adjunct Professor of Social Work at Adelphi University (Garden City, New York). She also maintains a private psychotherapy practice, providing family and individual counseling. She is an educational consultant for the Bellmore-Merrick (Long Island, New York) School District, training graduate social work students for work in secondary school settings.
3 Ebooks by Bernard S. Gorman
William Feigelman & John Jordan: Devastating Losses
This book fills a critical gap in our scientific understanding of the grief response of parents who have lost a child to traumatic death and the psychotherapeutic strategies that best facilitate heal …
David B. Allison & Ronald D. Franklin: Design and Analysis of Single-Case Research
This book focuses on one important aspect of psychological research — the intensive study of people measured one or more at a time. Some important historical material is detailed in several chapters …
David B. Allison & Ronald D. Franklin: Design and Analysis of Single-Case Research
This book focuses on one important aspect of psychological research — the intensive study of people measured one or more at a time. Some important historical material is detailed in several chapters …