Cicatrising conjunctivitis is one of the most challenging causes of ocular surface disease today and without appropriate intervention, corneal blindness or loss of sight from supervening infection is common. Because many of these diseases are rare, there is often limited management experience available and the resources for research into treatment and pathogenesis are scarce. This book summarizes present treatment strategies and the clinical and laboratory studies validating these approaches. Topics discussed in this ambitious volume include an in-depth look at non-progressive causes including trachoma, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and ligneous conjunctivitis. It also examines chronic progressive conjunctival cicatrisation, the diseases which cause it, their clinical and laboratory evaluation, immunopathogenesis, sequelae and management. Armed with this knowledge, successful intervention can be planned for the prevention and treatment of a group of diseases previously associated with poor prognoses. Ophthalmologists and dermatologists seeking practical advice about the management of these diseases will benefit most from this book.