Author: Bernhard Streicher

Martina Raue is a Researcher at the MIT Age Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She studies risk perception and decision making over the lifespan, with a focus on the roles of time and emotion. She applies theories from social psychology to challenges and risks of longevity and examines ways to improve planning and preparing for later life. Dr. Raue received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich in Germany and her Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Basel in Switzerland. Eva Lermer is a Professor for Business Psychology at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics & Management in Munich, Germany and a Research Scientist at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Regensburg, Germany. Her research interests include subjective risk assessment, decision-making and de-biasing strategies. In addition to her scientific research, Professor Lermer works as consultant for profit and non-profit organizations. Professor Lermer received her academic degrees from the University of Salzburg in Austria and the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich in Germany. Bernhard Streicher is a Full Professor for Social and Personality Psychology and Head of the Department of Psychology and Medical Sciences at the University for Health Sciences – UMIT in Hall, Tyrol in Austria. His research interests include the psychological mechanisms of decision making under risk and uncertainty and the question of how to enhance the risk competencies of people and organizations. In addition to his scientific research Professor Streicher works as a lecturer and consultant regarding the topic of ‘risk’ for profit and non-profit organizations. Professor Streicher received his academic titles from the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich in Germany. Martina Raue, Eva Lermer, and Bernhard Streicher conjointly founded the Risikolabor (risk lab) at the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich in 2011. While currently based at different intuitions, they continue to collaborate on various research projects investigating human perception of risk and influences on risk taking behavior. In addition, they offer consulting and workshops on the topic. More about their work can be found online.  

7 Ebooks by Bernhard Streicher

Martina Raue & Bernhard Streicher: Perceived Safety
This book offers a multidisciplinary perspective on perceived safety. It discusses the concept of safety from engineering, philosophy, and psychology angles, and considers various definitions of safe …
Martina Raue & Eva Lermer: Psychological Perspectives on Risk and Risk Analysis
This authoritative collection goes beyond economic statistics and probability data to offer a robust psychological understanding of risk perception and risk taking behavior. Expert contributors exami …
Mario Gollwitzer & Sebastian Lotz: Soziale Gerechtigkeit
Gesetzliche Lohnuntergrenzen, Arbeitsaufteilung in Familien, Justizirrtümer, betriebliche Mitbestimmung, Studiengebühren – so unterschiedlich und unzusammenhängend diese Themen auf den ersten Blick a …
Werner Michl & Holger Seidel: Handbuch Erlebnispädagogik
Zielgruppenanalyse, Sicherheit, internationale Entwicklungen – das sind nur einige Aspekte, mit denen sich die Erlebnispädagogik in Theorie und Praxis auseinandersetzen muss. Sie ist mittlerweile ein …
Werner Michl & Holger Seidel: Handbuch Erlebnispädagogik
Zielgruppenanalyse, Sicherheit, internationale Entwicklungen – das sind nur einige Aspekte, mit denen sich die Erlebnispädagogik in Theorie und Praxis auseinandersetzen muss. Sie ist mittlerweile ein …
Bernhard Streicher & Heidi Harder: Erlebnispädagogik in den Bergen
Erlebnispädagog:innen setzen sportliche Aktivitäten in der Natur zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und zur Förderung der Sozialkompetenz ein. Welche Settings bieten dafür mehr Anregungen als die Berge? …
Bernhard Streicher & Heidi Harder: Erlebnispädagogik in den Bergen
Erlebnispädagog:innen setzen sportliche Aktivitäten in der Natur zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und zur Förderung der Sozialkompetenz ein. Welche Settings bieten dafür mehr Anregungen als die Berge? …