This book shows the paths student-teachers embark on the construction of their identies within the frame of a student-centered approach perspective. Understanding teacher identity construction suggests perceiving a broad and socially-driven dimension. In such a way , humansare contextual, political, and culturally situated to continually make sense of their’selves’ on a daily-basis. Delving into teacher identity construction issues is a relevant constituent for the contininual professional development of English language teachers.
About the author
Bertha Ramos Holguín: Holds a Ph.D in Education Sciences from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), an M.A in Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language and a B.A in Modern Languages from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. She is currently a researcher and an English professor in the School of Languages at UPTC. As part of the research group TONGUE, she has authored and coauthored research academic papers and English textbooks as a result of her research interest in EFL learning and teaching. She has also been part of diverse academic and scientific commitiees in tertiary institutions in Colombia.
Jahir Aguirre Morales: Holds an M.A in English Didactics and a B.A in Modern Languages from Universidad de Caldas. He is currently a researcher and an English professor in the School of Languages at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). He was a VIF teacher
(Visiting International Faculty) while teaching ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and Spanish teacher in North Carolina and Virginia, in USA. As part of the research group TONGUE, he has coauthored research academic papers and an English textbook as a result of his research interest in EFL learning and teaching.
Nancy María Torres Cepeda: Holds an M.A in Language Teaching and a B.A in Modern Languages Spanish-English from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). She is a full-time English language teacher at El Divino Niño school in Úmbita Boyacá, Colombia. She is also a member of the research group TONGUE at UPTC. As part of the research group TONGUE, she has authored and coauthored research academic papers as a result of her research interest in EFL learning and teaching. Her research interests encompass teacher identity construction,
critical pedagogy, and material development.