Biljana Jovanović (1953-1996) was a Serbian intellectual who wrote in almost all major genres; she published poetry, three novels, four plays, and a number of nonfiction pieces, mostly connected to her time in the anti-Milošević opposition of the 1990s. After studying philosophy at the University of Belgrade, Jovanović was an early and active member of a number of important human rights groups in Yugoslavia, beginning in 1982. Jovanović died in Ljubljana at the frighteningly young age of 43. Widely known among intellectuals and activists for her feminist and anti-war work, she was also a talented and courageous writer of fiction and drama.
3 Ebooks by Biljana Jovanovic
Biljana Jovanović: Dogs and Others
The protagonist in Dogs and Others is the first openly lesbian character in modern Serbian literature, but she is also so much more than that, as she encapsulates the zeitgeist of her generation. Com …
Biljana Jovanovic: Avala Is Falling
In Avala Is Falling, Jovanovic’s breakout success in 1978, a young woman challenges the expectations that teachers, parents, bus drivers, and doctors have for her. The "Avala" of the title …
Biljana Jovanović: Hunde und Andere
Lidija und ihr Bruder Danilo sind beide in die fatale Milena verliebt, Oma Jaglika sitzt in ihrem Schaukelstuhl, von dem aus sie alles sieht, die Mutter tritt nur in der Erinnerung und in kurzen Tele …