With more than $3.7 billion in assets and annual revenue of $800million, the Nature Conservancy has generated staggering growththat would be the envy of any business.
Incorporated in 1951 by a small circle of concerned ecologists, the Conservancy has grown financially into the world’s largestenvironmental organization. It has one million members–up from500, 000 in 1990–and 3, 500 employees operating in 50 states and 28countries across the world.
Nature’s Keepers offers readers an inspirational leadershiptale and management chronicle, as it goes behind the scenes anddetails the inner workings of the Nature Conservancy. Highlightingthe efforts of nine extraordinary leaders, Nature’s Keepersexamines the organization’s culture and management, strategy anddecisions, and courageous and ingenious individuals who havededicated their lives to conservation.
Author Bill Birchard reveals how the Conservancy’s sometimescontroversial business practices–entrepreneurial approaches topreserving ecosystems while meeting human needs–have earned thepraise of management gurus such as Peter Drucker. The Conservancy’sway of operating, though not free of failings, is both widelyemulated in the nonprofit community and greatly respected bybusiness scholars and CEOs nationwide.
Table of Content
1 NO CRISIS UNANSWERED: How the Nature Conservancy Masters Challenges and Change 1
2 THE COURAGE TO LEAD: Revamping Leadership to Renew Performance 9
3 MISSION FOR LIFE: On Being Systematic, Not Opportunistic 31
4 WE CAN WORK WITH YOU: The Care and Feeding of a Dynamic Culture 53
5 WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE: The Road to Realizing New Ambitions 79
6 THE POWER OF ‘WE’: Engaging Every Constituency for Breakthrough Results 105
7 MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS: Teaching the Organization to Work as One 129
8 MANAGE THYSELF: Leadership in a Shared-Power World 153
9 GLOBAL DYNAMO: Taking the Organization International 179
10 THE SENATE IS CALLING: Accountability and Governance in the Face of Crisis 207
EPILOGUE: Unsung Heroes 235
About the author
Bill Birchard is a freelance journalist who has been writing about management and the environment for more than twenty-five years. His work has appeared in Chief Executive, CFO, Fast Company, Strategy + Business, and Tomorrow magazines. He has also written for the Appalachian Trail Conference, the Montana Department of State Lands, and the U.S. Forest Service. He is the coauthor of two previous books, Counting What Counts and The One-Minute Meditator. On the web, see www.natureskeepers.net.