A special e-book edition for network admins and technicians
dealing with fiber optics
Cabling is crucial to network performance, and incorrect use of
cables can result in outages and constant troubleshooting. Specific
standards and processes must be employed when working with fiber
optics. This convenient e-book comprises Part 2 of the popular and
fully updated Cabling: The Complete Guide to Network Wiring, 5th
Edition, with extensive coverage of fiber optics for
large-scale communications networks and telecommunications
standards. You will learn principles and practices essential to
successfully installing and maintaining a fiber-optic network.
* Convenient e-book format is accessible on tablets and mobile
* Examines the principles of fiber optic transmission, optical
fiber characteristics and construction, and basic principles of
* Includes coverage of fiber optic cables, light sources,
detectors, and receivers; passive optical networks, components, and
multiplexers; and system design considerations
* Explains splicing, connectors, safety considerations,
link/cable testing, troubleshooting, and restoration
* Covers the objectives for popular Data Cabling Installer
Certification (DCIC), Certified Fiber Optics Installer (CFOI), and
Fiber Optic Technician (FOT) exams
Cabling Part 2: Fiber-Optic Cabling and Components, 5th
Edition has the information you need to master every aspect of
setting up and managing a fiber-optic network.
About the author
Bill Woodward has been working with and teaching fiber
optics since 1992. He is chairman of SAE International’s
Aerospace Fiber Optics and Applied Photonics Committee, AS-3 and
chairman of the AS-3B2 Education and Design Working Group. He has
also served four terms as chairman of the Electronics Technicians
Association; in addition, he is chairman of the Fiber Optic
Committee that is responsible for the FOI and FOT