Author: Bjornar Solhaug

Ketil Stølen is Chief Scientist at SINTEF ICT, Oslo, Norway, where he leads the Group for Quality and Security Technology at the Department for Cooperative and Trusted Systems. Mass Soldal Lund is a researcher this group, specialising on risk analysis and thread modeling. Bjørnar Solhaug is a Ph D student at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway, and SINTEF ICT, working on formal languages for the specification of trust management policies.

1 Ebooks by Bjornar Solhaug

Mass Soldal Lund & Bjørnar Solhaug: Model-Driven Risk Analysis
The term “risk” is known from many fields, and we are used to references to contractual risk, economic risk, operational risk, legal risk, security risk, and so forth. We conduct risk analysis, using …