Connie, a young Air Force wife is pushed into the private world of the upper-class cadets. The cadets, staff and Connie began building a Wednesday night gathering that had Arnold Hall and staff awestruck. 21 Club, began as a very quiet retreat, to have a few drinks, kick back and relax, but the new seniors had other ideas and were just waiting. Little did they know, they would become the clubs greatest adventure and the 21 Club would become a constant battle ground of rules and regulations.
Connie, the bartender, seeking life outside a marriage that was in desperate need of mending, lost herself in the uprising of the 21 Club. She was the ice princess who’s heart no cadet would ever capture.
Hillary, was the night manager who learned to run the entire building flawlessly no matter how much chaos.
The Hostess Office, where every rule trampled on any fun that would make the cadets jubilant.
CJ, the outlandish, insurgent, but irresistible cadet, who knew the way to any women’s heart. His was the world that once in, getting out was nearly impossible.
All the people who worked and gathered at the 21 Club would be completely tested to the max by the third year and the last call of the 21 Club.
About the author
Bonnie Paige, currently lives in Virginia, has two children and two grandsons. She has previously published one other book, Face In The Moon. Having reached retirement age she now has the time to publish her second book and fulfill a lifelong dream.