This book contains the proceedings of the second edition of the international Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (AIAP’21). This edition aims to bring together leading academic scientists, international researchers, and practitioners to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence. It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and students to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Artificial Intelligence. This international conference offers an opportunity to bridge the gap between the Artificial Intelligence research community and people from the industry or working in other research areas including smart cities, big data, cloud computing, social networks, and energy.
Table of Content
Machnine learning for Sentiment Analysis Using Algerian Dialect.- Do We Need Change Detection for Dynamic Optimization Problems?.- Recognizing Arabic handwritten literal amount using Convolutional Neural Networks.- A Novel Separable Convolution Neural Networkfor Human Activity Recogni tion.- Image processing: Image compression using compressed sensing, discrete cosine transform and wavelet transform.- On the use of the convolutional autoencoder for Arabic writer identification using handwritten text fragments.- Local Directional Strength Pattern for effective Offline Handwritten Signature Verification.- Sentiment Analysis of Algerian Dialect Using a Deep Learning Approach.- Hybrid Approach to Web RTC Videoconferencing on Mobile Devices.- The Internet of Things Security Challenges: Survey.- A CBR approach based on ontology to supplier selection.- A Comparative Study between the Two Applications of the Neural Network and Space Vector PWM for Direct Torque Control of a DSIM Fed by Multi-Level Inverters.- Control the Degree of Observability in GPS-INS Integration Based the Extended Kalman Filter For land-vehicle navigation.- Multi Agent Systems based CPPS – An Industry 4.0 Test Case.- RONI-based Medical Image Watermarking using DWT and LSB Algorithm.- A Study of Wireless Sensor Networks Based Adaptive Traffic Lights Control.- Multi-agents Communities Based Routing Algorithm: A routing protocol proposition for UAVs network.- Forwarding Strategies in NDN-based Io T Networks: A Comprehensive Study.- Multi-Robot Visual Navigation Structure based on Lukas-Kanade Algorithm.- Modeling and Simulation of Urban Mobility in a Smart City.- A Novel Methodology For Geovisualizing Epidemiological Data.- OAIDS: An Ontology-Based Framework for Building an Intelligent Urban Road Traffic Automatic Incident Detection System.- Prediction of Cancer Clinical Endpoints Using Deeplearning and RPPA data.- Clustering Educational Items from Response Data using Penalized Pearson coefficient and deep autoencoders.- A social media approach for improving decision-making systems.- A Comprehensive Study of Multicast Routing Protocols in the Internet of Things.- Dilated Convolutions based 3D U-net for Multi-Modal Brain Image Segmentation.- Artificial intelligent in upstream oil and gas industry: a review of applications, challenges and perspectives.- GA-based approaches for Optimization energy and coverage in wireless sensor net work: State of the art.- Data-Intensive Scientific Workflow Scheduling Based on Genetic Algorithm in Cloud Computing.- Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data Mining Processing: A review.- New Approach for Multi-Valued Mathematical Morphology Computation.- Machine Learning Based Indoor Localization using Wi Fi and Smartphone in a Shopping Malls.- An external archive guided NSGA-II algorithm for Multi-Depot Green Vehicle Routing Problem.- A hybrid LBP-HOG model and naive Bayes classifier for knee osteoarthritis detection: data from the osteoarthritis initiative.- Rational Function Model Optimization Based On Swarm Intelligence Metaheuris-tic Algorithms.- Segmentation of the Breast Masses in Mammograms Using Active Contour for Medical Practice: AR based surgery.- Interval versus Histogram of Symbolic Representation Based One-Class Classifierfor Offline Handwritten Signature Verification.- Image restoration using proximal-splitting methods.- Deep learning for seismic data semantic segmentation.- Maximum Power Point Tracking of a Wind Turbine Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Controllers.- Deep approach based on user’s profile analysis for capturing user’s interests.- A Comparative Study Of Road Traffic Forecasting Models.- Road Segments Traffic Dependencies Study Using Cross-Correlation.- Ball bearing monitoring using decision-tree and adaptative nero-fuzzy inference system.- Real-time speed control of a mobile robot using PID controller.- Ranking social media news feeds: A comparative study of Personalized and Non-Personalized prediction models.- Residual Neural Network for Predicting Super-enhancers on Genome Scale, .- A CNN approach for the identification of dorsal veins of the hand.- Security issues in self-organized ad-hoc networks (MANET, VANET, and FANET): A survey.- Auto-Scaling, Efficient and Cost Effective Architecture in Apache Hadoop.- Applying Artificial intelligence techniques for predicting amount of CO2 emissions from calcined cement raw materials.- Deep Neural networks based Tensor Flow Model for Io T lightweight cipher at tack.- Feature Fusion for Kinship Verification based on Face Image Analysis.- Digital Text Authentication Using Deep Learning: Proposition for the Digital Quranic Text.