William J. Miller is assistant professor of public administration at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. He received his doctorate in 2010 in public administration and urban studies from The University of Akron along with a master’s degree in applied politics (campaign management and polling). He is the editor of Tea Party Effects on 2010 U.S. Senate Elections: Stuck in the Middle to Lose (Lexington 2012) and The Political Battle over Congressional Redistricting (Lexington 2013).
2 Ebooks by Brandy A. Kennedy
William J. Miller: 2012 Nomination and the Future of the Republican Party
The 2012 Republican nomination process went on longer than most pundits predicted early on. While Mitt Romney began the season as the prohibitive favorite, he was tested repeatedly by what was seemin …
Brandy A. Kennedy & Adam M. Butz: Race and Representative Bureaucracy in American Policing
This book examines issues of race and policing through the lens of representative bureaucracy theory. According to representative bureaucracy theory, demographic correspondence between government emp …