‘Save yourself ten years of hard work. Read Brian’s powerful bookand let him show you the shortcut to success. He’ll show you thefastest way for you to get rich.’
-Robert Allen bestselling author, Multiple Streams of Income
‘Millions of people start with nothing and become wealthy as theresult of doing certain things in a certain way, over and overagain. This book by Brian Tracy shows you how you can achieve allyour financial goals, starting from wherever you are today.’
-Jack ...
Table of Content
1. Learn How to Become Rich.
2. Become a Money Magnet.
3. Invest for Success.
4. Start with Nothing.
5. Build Your Own Business.
6. Ma...
About the author
Brian Tracy is a successful businessman and one of the topprofessional speakers in the world. He has started, built, managed, or turned around 22 different business...