This volume considers the spread of Spanish today and particularly its role in the processes of globalization. Spanish is frequently dominant in contact with other languages. But how contested is its hegemony and how far does it threaten other languages? How are these other minoritized languages faring in a world of few strong, global languages?
Table of Content
List of Tables and Figures Acknowledgements Notes on the Contributors Introduction; C.Mar-Molinero & M.Stewart Forces of Globalization in the Spanish-Speaking World: Linguistic Imperialism or Grassroots Adaptation; C.Mar-Molinero US Latinos, la Hispanofonia , and the Language Ideologies of High Modernity; J.del Valle Language Conflict and the Micro-Macro Link in the Spanish-Speaking World; R.Enrique Hamel Spanish/English Interaction in US Hispanic Heritage Learners’ Writing; M.Fairclough Andean Spanish and the Spanish of Lima: Linguistic Variation and Change in a Contact Situation; C.A.Klee & R.Caravedo Spanish as L2 on the Dominican/Haitian Border and Universal Processes of Acquisition; L.A.Ortiz López Whose Story is it Anyway? Representing Oral Testimony in a Multilingual ‘Contact Zone’; J.Freeland Spanish-Speaking Latin Americans in Catalonia: Reflexivity and Knowledgeability in Constructions of Catalan; S.Marshall Language Contact Between Galician and Spanish – Conflict or Harmony? Young People’s Linguistic Attitudes to Contemporary Galicia; B.O’Rourke Linguistic Shift and Community Language: The Effect of Demographic Factors in the Valencian Region, Balearic Islands and Catalonia; R.Casesnoves Ferrer, D.Sankoff & M.Teresa Turell References Index
About the author
RAQUEL CASESNOVES FERRER is a Ramon y Cajal post-doctoral research fellow at the Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain ROCÍO CARAVEDO is Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and in the Graduate School of Linguistics, University of Pisa, Italy JOSÉ DEL VALLE teaches Hispanic Linguistics at the Graduate Centre, City University of New York, USA MARTA FAIRCLOUGH is Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics and Chair of Hispanic Studies, University of Houston, USA JANE FREELAND is Visiting Research Fellow, School of Humanities at the University of Southampton, UK RAINER ENRIQUE HAMEL is Professor of Linguistics, Department of Anthropology, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico City, Mexico CAROL A. KLEE is Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Minnesota, USA STEVE MARSHALL is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Canada BERNADETTE O’ROURKE is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh LUIS A. ORTIZ LÓPEZ is Professor at the Department of Hispanic Studies and contributes to the Graduate Programme in Linguistics at the University of Puerto Rico DAVID SANKOFF is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research M. TERESA TURELL is Professor of English Linguistics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. At present she is the director of Forensic Lab, the forensic linguistics laboratory in the Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA), Barcelona, Spain