A series which is a model of its kind EDMUND KING, HISTORY
The contemporary historians of Anglo-Norman England form a particular focus of this issue. There are contributions on Henry of Huntingdon’s representation of civil war; on the political intent of the poems in the anonymous Life of Edward the Confessor; on William of Malmesbury’s depiction of Henry I; and on the influence upon historians of the late antique history attributed to Hegesippus. A paper on Gerald of Wales and Merlin brings valuable literary insights to bear. Other pieces tackle religious history (northern monasteries during the Anarchy, the abbey of Tiron) and politics (family history across the Conquest, the Norman brothers Urse de Abetot and Robert Dispenser, the friendship network of King Stephen’s family). The volume begins with Judith Green’s Allen Brown Memorial Lecture, which provides a wide-ranging account of kingship, lordsihp and community in eleventh-century England.
CONTRIBUTORS: Judith Green, Janet Burton, Catherine A.M. Clarke, Sebastien Danielo, Emma Mason, Ad Putter, Kathleen Thompson, Jean A. Truax, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Björn Weiler, Neil Wright
Table of Content
Preface – C P Lewis
Kingship, Lordship, and Community in Eleventh-Century England [
R. Allen Brown Memorial Lecture] – Judith Green
Citadels of God: Monasteries, Violence, and the Struggle for Power in Northern England, 1135-1154 – Janet Burton
Writing Civil War in Henry of Huntingdon’s
Historia Anglorum – Catherine A M Clarke
Land, Family, and Depredation: The Case of St Benet of Holme’s Manor of Little Melton – Sébastien Danielo
Brothers at Court: Urse de Abetot and Robert Dispenser – Emma Mason
Gerald of Wales and the Prophet Merlin – Ad Putter
The First Hundred Years of the Abbey of Tiron: Institutionalizing the Reform of the Forest Hermits – Kathleen Thompson
All Roads Lead to Chartres: The House of Blois, the Papacy, and the Anglo-Norman Succession of 1135 – Jean A Truax
Vita Ædwardi: The Politics of Poetry at Wilton Abbey – Elizabeth M. Tyler
William of Malmesbury, King Henry I, and the
Gesta Regum Anglorum – Björn Weiler
Twelfth-Century Receptions of a Text: Anglo-Norman Historians and Hegesippus – Neil Wright
About the author
JANET BURTON is Professor of Medieval History at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter and the author of many books and articles on monastic history.