This book promotes student-centered approaches to the learning process, allowing students to develop skills and competences that traditional, passive learning methods cannot foster. In turn, supporting active learning with digital technology tools creates new possibilities in terms of pedagogical design and implementation. This book addresses the latest research and practice in the use of technology to promote active learning. As such, on the one hand, it focuses on active pedagogical methodologies like problem-based learning, design thinking and agile approaches; on the other, it presents best practice cases on the use of digital environments to support these methodologies. Readers will come to understand and learn to apply active learning methodologies, either by replicating the best practices presented here, or by creating their own methods.
Table of Content
Technology to Support Active Learning in Higher Education.- Agile and lean methods with design thinking.-Project-based Learning in Higher Education.- Inquiry-based Learning in Higher Education.- Agile Methodologies in learning with design Thinking.- The Design of a Problem-Based Learning Platform for Engineering Education.- Serious games to support Agile and Lean Methodologies.- Design thinking as a collaborative learning design tool for teachers.- Design thinking for promoting human-centred design.- Game design-based learning for preservice and in-service teacher training.
About the author
Carlos Vaz de Carvalho holds a Ph.D. in Technologies and Information Systems from the University of Minho, Portugal, focusing on the use of e-learning in Higher Education. As a professor, he has held more than 20 different courses on algorithms, programming, data structures, e-learning and multimedia, all of which have incorporated active learning processes. From 2005 to 2014, he was Scientific Coordinator of GILT R&D (Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies) and authored over 200 publications, including more than ten books. He has coordinated 16 national and European projects and participated in more than 20 others.
Merja Bauters is a research professor of Digital Transformation and Life-Long Learning at the School of Digital Technologies, Tallinn University, Estonia and a Docent of Semiotics L at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She has held more than 30 different courses on design, design methods, semiotics and project communication. She received her Ph D from the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, The University of Helsinki in 2007. She has been involved in multiple EU and national projects on learning and technology-enhanced learning and her current research include research on creative industries’ digital tool habits and ecosystem building for learning at work.