At a time when social, cultural and linguistic diversity has become a characteristic of education systems around the world, this timely text considers how teacher education is responding to these developments in the context of increased mobilities within and across national boundaries. This collection draws together the work of scholars, from a range of urban, rural and national contexts from the Global South and North, who engage in dialogue about diversity and knowledge exchange. It includes perspectives from multiple contexts using a range of frameworks that cohere around attention to issues of equity and social justice, and focuses on the macro level dynamics (policy, theory, global governance) as well as meso (institutional practices) and micro dimensions (professional identities, cultural, and identity transformation). The authors explore these dynamics and dimensions through mobilities of teachers and students, cosmopolitan theory, indigenous epistemologies, language ecology, professional standards policy discourses, and critical analyses of frameworks including postcolonialism, multiculturalism and culturally responsive and relevant pedagogical approaches.
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Introducing Global Teaching and Southern Perspectives, Carol Reid and Jae Major.- Chapter 2 Whither cultural diversity and intercultural education in the Netherlands?, Yvonne Leeman.- Chapter 3 The Schooling of Marginalized Students in Urban Canada: Programs, Curricula, and Pedagogies, Carl E. James.- Chapter 4 Learning to be a Culturally Responsive Teacher in the Global North: A Call for Critical Teacher Education, Ninetta Santoro.- Chapter 5 A Cartography of Higher Education Attempts at Inclusion and Insights from Pasifika Scholarship in Aotearoa New Zealand, Sereana Naepi, Sharon Stein, Cash Ahenakew, Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti.- Chapter 6 Culturally Responsive Practice for Indigenous Contexts: Provenance to Potential, Letitia Hochstrasser Fickel, Sonja Macfarlane, Angus Hikairo Macfarlane.- Chapter 7 Cosmopolitan Theory and Aboriginal Teachers’ Professional Identities, Carol Reid and Donna Robbins.- Chapter 8 Trilingual education in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Challenges and threats for Mongolian identity, Yayuan Yi and Bob Adamson.- Chapter 9 Preparing teachers through international experience: A collaborative critical analysis of four Australian programs, John Buchanan, Jae Major, Lesley Harbon and Sean Kearney.- Chapter 10 Beyond ‘Little Miss International’: Exploring the Imaginaries of Mobile Educators, Ruth Arber and Penelope Pitt.- Chapter 11 Learning the humility of teaching ‘Other’s: Preparing teachers for culturally complex classrooms, Jo-Anne Reid.
About the author
Carol Reid is Professor of Education at Western Sydney University. She is lead author of Compulsory Schooling in Australia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and Global teachers, Australian perspectives (Springer, 2014). She is Vice President (Oceania) of the International Sociology Association’s Sociology of Education Research Committee.
Jae Major is Senior lecturer at Charles Sturt University. She has been a teacher educator for over twenty years in New Zealand and Australia. She was awarded the Graham Nuthall Classroom Research Trust Award in 2007 and won an Australian Award for University Teaching for outstanding contributions to student learning in 2015.