Letter, Diaries SupportCatalogFictionNarrative Literaturebefore 1945after 1945Historical Novels, Short StoriesFairy Tales, Myths, LegendsAnthologiesNovelistic BiographiesLetter, DiariesEssays, Feuilleton, Literary CriticismAphorisms6,122 Ebooks in this category The National Archives: In Their Own Words The way we communicate has changed. Today, many of our interactions are digital, but until recently writing letters was the norm. Drawing from over 100 miles of records held at the UK”s official gov … PDF Adobe DRM €18.00 Marilyn Pemberton: Out of the Shadows Who was Mary De Morgan and why should she be dragged out of the shadows cast by her illustrious parents, her male siblings and the members of the Arts and Crafts circle in which she moved? Why should … PDF Adobe DRM €92.84 Irena Protassewicz: A Polish Woman’s Experience in World War II This hitherto unpublished first-hand witness account, written in 1968-9, tells the story of a privileged Polish woman whose life was torn apart by the outbreak of the Second World War and Soviet occu … PDF Adobe DRM €38.02 Patrick Gordon: Passages from the Diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries First published in 1968. This is a volume of selected passages from the extensive diary of General Gordon: the soldier of fortune, whose memoirs are now introduced to the Spadling Club, who had been … PDF Adobe DRM €56.73 Ian Lyster: Among the Ottomans During World War One, the Ottoman Empire, one of the largest and longest-lasting empires in history, faced severe challenges to its structure and existence, which eventually resulted in its dissoluti … PDF Adobe DRM €57.66 Simon C. Smith: The Wilson–Johnson Correspondence, 1964–69 Less than a year after the assassination of President Kennedy brought Lyndon B. Johnson to the White House, Harold Wilson became British Prime Minister. Over the next four years, the two men governed … PDF Adobe DRM €51.34 Dr Audrey Colombe: Creating an Undergraduate Literary Journal University literary journals allow students to create their own venue for learning, have a hands-on part of their development in real-world skills, and strive towards professional achievement. But pr … PDF Adobe DRM €25.36 Sylvie Crinquand: Last Letters This collection of essays is devoted to last letters : letters sent – or not – to sever a relationship, to mark the end of a phase in one’s life, or letters written by people about to be executed or … PDF Adobe DRM €56.60 Alain Kerherve: William Writes to William William Gilpin (1724-1804) is commonly known as one of the originators of the idea of the picturesque. He was also an Anglican clergyman, a schoolmaster with modern educational ideas and the author o … PDF Adobe DRM €83.60 Johann George von Hahn: The Discovery of Albania Johann Georg von Hahn – a nineteenth-century Austrian diplomat and explorer – is generally considered to be the founder of Albanian Studies as a scholarly discipline. It was he who first studied the … PDF Adobe DRM €38.25 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×