Special Education SupportCatalogHuman SciencesEducationGeneral, EncyclopediasEducationKindergarden and Preschool EducationSchool Pedagogy, Didactics, MethodologyPrimary SchoolSecondary I, IIadult EducationSocial Education, Social WorkSpecial Education2,385 Ebooks in this category ساره النجار: الأطفال لا يفهمون كلمة لا هنا أمثلة حية لكثير من المشاكل التي ستواجهها في مراحل تربية الطفل المختلفة. مقترنة بحلول منطقية ومجربة.. ستجعلك بعد تنفيذها تشعر بفارق كبير وجوهري في يومك مع طفلك. لتكتشف أخيرًا متعة التربية وروعتها … EPUB Arabic €9.49 Bendis A. I. Saage – Nederlands: ADHD en Leren: Praktische Strategieën voor Kinderen en Volwassenen Dit praktische handboek biedt uitgebreide ondersteuning voor iedereen die te maken heeft met ADHD en leren. Het richt zich op zowel adhd bij kinderen als adhd bij volwassenen en behandelt de specifie … EPUB Dutch €9.99 Casey Harrison: Teaching Beyond the Diagnosis Tips for tailoring instruction and meeting the needs of dyslexic learners Looking through both academic and social-emotional lenses, this book will deepen your understanding of dyslexia and help you … EPUB English Adobe DRM €21.99 Kassandra Alvarez: Guiding Light Feeling overwhelmed by the journey of supporting a child with autism? Linda Barboa & Mary Lou Datema: It’s No Biggie It’s No Biggie: Autism in the Early Childhood Classroom is designed as an introduction for preschool teachers, childcare workers and others working with young children to best practices in working wi … EPUB English Adobe DRM €29.99 Christine Motokane: The Revolving Door The Revolving Door, the Untold Story of Disability Supports is a story of a young adult woman trying to find good support people who are committed to helping her. Many leave the field because of poor … EPUB English Adobe DRM €9.99 Kate Duffy & Temple Grandin: Developing Talents Who knows better about developing the talents of those with autism than Temple Grandin? This updated and expanded edition of Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals With Asperger Syndrome and Hig … EPUB English Adobe DRM €21.99 Shawn Amador: Teaching Social Skills Through Sketch Comedy and Improv Games Introducing a Social Theatre™, this book provides guidance on how to deliver fun and transformative activities to develop social skills in teenagers and children. Drawing on ideas from Social Thinkin … EPUB English Adobe DRM €23.99 April McMurtrey: Is It Dyslexia? Hands-on resources for screening readers of all ages for dyslexia In Is It Dyslexia?, certified dyslexia assessment specialist April Mc Murtrey delivers an accessible, hands-on framework for screenin … EPUB English Adobe DRM €17.99 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×