Literature SupportCatalogHuman SciencesLanguagesLinguisticsLiteratureGermanEnglishother GermanicRomanClassicSlavicOther Languages67,452 Ebooks in this category Carsten Strathausen: The Look of Things Examining the relationship between German poetry, philosophy, and visual media around 1900, Carsten Strathausen argues that the poetic works of Rainer Maria Rilke, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, and Stephan … EPUB Adobe DRM €78.38 Gennady Estraikh: Yiddish in Weimar Berlin ‘Berlin emerged from the First World War as a multicultural European capital of immigration from the former Russian Empire, and while many Russian emigres moved to France and other countries in the 1 … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.41 M. C. Cook: Bernardin De St Pierre, 1737-1814 ‘Bernardin de St Pierre (1737-1814) was a major figure of the late French Enlightenment. In this first full-length critical biography of the author in English, Malcolm Cook seeks to understand the im … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.72 Stoyan Stoyanov: An Analysis of Ikujiro Nonaka”s A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation Ikujiro Nonaka’s A Dynamic Theory of Organisational Knowledge Creation outlines the creation of organisational knowledge through the constant conversion of the two types of knowledge, tacit and expli … EPUB Adobe DRM €8.98 Professor Jolanta Wawrzycka & Dr Serenella Zanotti: James Joyce”s Silences In this landmark book, leading international scholars from North America, Europe and the UK offer a sustained critical attention to the concept of silence in Joyce”s writing. Examining Joyce”s majo … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.15 Professor Robert Spoo: Modernism and the Law Exploring critical legal issues and cases of the period-from Oscar Wilde”s prosecution for gross indecency to legal bans on such publications as D.H. Lawrence”s Lady Chatterley”s Lover, Radclyffe … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.33 Professor Simon Burrows: The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe II This is a rich and path-breaking comparative study of reading tastes in the final years of old regime Europe. Based on extensive research in the account books of the Swiss publishers, the Société Typ … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.84 Professor John (University of Chicago, USA) Wilkinson: Lyric In Its Times In this important new intervention, leading poet and critic John Wilkinson explores the material life of the lyric poem. How does the lyric – considered as an object, as an event – grapple with perma … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.85 Lewis Campbell & B. Jowett: Plato”s Republic (Vol 2) First published in 1894, this book consists of essays by professors Jowett and Campbell about the classic Greek philosopher Plato, and his famous and widely read dialogue The Republic, which is consi … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.54 Richard Foltz: A History of the Tajiks In this comprehensive and up to date history, from prehistoric proto-Indo-Iranian times to the post-Soviet period, Richard Foltz traces the complex linguistic, cultural and political history of the T … EPUB Adobe DRM €103.73 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×