Instrument Lessons SupportCatalogHuman SciencesMusicGeneral, EncyclopediasMusic HistoryMusic TheoryInstrument LessonsInstrumentologyMonographsMusicMiscellaneous1,032 Ebooks in this category Zhai Chong Sheng & 翟崇生: How an Aged Kidult Learns Piano (Volume 1) 《老顽童学琴日记:第1集》说的是一位活到老学到老,勇于发现’未知我’的老顽童,在一位有着二十年教学经验钢琴老师的悉心指点下– 从手指僵硬到手指略感灵活,进而练习断奏、连奏、跳音、音阶、琶音、分解和弦等钢琴弹奏必备基本功; 从乐理零基础到初识五线谱,进而了解调号、拍号;大调、小调;乐句及其划分等读谱必备能力; 老顽童学琴一年,现可弹奏几十首短小曲目。虽节奏远非准确,旋律亦非悦耳,但老顽童乐在其中 … EPUB Chinese Adobe DRM €6.49 不拘時: 吉他入門一本就上手 * 因現在網路上的流行歌譜取得容易,本書不收錄大量的流行歌曲樂譜,主要針對從零開始的入門者基礎彈奏和讀譜做更多的說明,解決入門者常見的問題。 ◎ 從零開始 ,超級初學者適用 從挑選第一把吉他、怎麼拿好吉他、只想先彈彈看開始,教你看簡譜、五線譜、六線譜,進而伴奏、自彈自唱,進化到變聲部、簡易演奏,循序漸進讓你簡單又輕鬆的進入吉他的世界! ◎ 三大特色 ,看門道: 1. 超實 … EPUB Chinese Adobe DRM €6.39 不拘時: 吉他指板超解密手冊 ★ 不拘時「吉他編曲超訓練」線上影音課程: 如果你── 只想彈簡單的音符卻始終找不對位置 想從彈唱程度跳脫卻找不到方向 想即興Solo卻經常彈錯音符 手一滑到不同把位就彈不下去 一堆指型讓你越背越迷惑 想更了解吉他 「積木圖像記憶法」一本搞定所有難題! (電子書版可至作者網站下載範例 mp3) 本書特 … EPUB Chinese €6.39 Richard McLauchlan: The Bagpipes In the early second century CE, someone was described as playing a pipe ‘with a bag tucked under his armpit.’ That man, the first named piper in history, was the Roman Emperor Nero. Since then, this … EPUB English Adobe DRM €19.99 Matti Charlton: Matti Charlton for Piano A collection of songs by Matti Charlton, arranged for the piano. Includes several of the hit songs by the Canadian artist, including Dark Addiction, Paul’s Song, and many others for the piano player … EPUB English Adobe DRM €10.99 Dwayne Jenkins: Learn To Play Electric Guitar Learn To Play Electric Guitar is a comprehensive course for beginners to get started enjoying the fun of playing the electric guitar. It will lead you on a path to electric guitar mastery. It w … EPUB English Adobe DRM €14.99 Erika Cebulski Levesque: The Pirate and the Kazoo A hapless pirate is marooned on an island after his comrades force him to abandon ship. When the less-than-swashbuckling buccaneer fishes a kazoo out of the sea, the little instrument quickly changes … EPUB English Adobe DRM €7.99 Ben Spooner & Hayley JC Spooner: Ben Spooner’s Beginner to Composer in 14 Days Beginner To Composer In 14 Days is delightfully different. Moving swiftly from theory to action, Ben emerges as the teacher you always wished you’d had, championing radical creative freedom, improvis … EPUB English Adobe DRM €6.49 Graham Tippett: Hacking the CAGED System Hacking the CAGED System: Diatonic Harmony is both a stand-alone ingenious system that teaches you to construct all the components of any key signature on the guitar fretboard, as well as following o … EPUB English Adobe DRM €9.99 Graham Tippett: Hacking the CAGED System Hacking the CAGED System – Book 2 picks up where Book 1 left off as we go deeper into scales, chords, arpeggios and harmony to expand our range of harmonic expression on the guitar, as well as provid … EPUB English Adobe DRM €8.99 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×