Middle Ages SupportCatalogNon-FictionHistoryBiographies, AutobiographiesGeneral ReferencesRegional historyPre-and Early History, AncientMiddle AgesModern Times to 191820st Century up to 1945History from 1945Miscellaneous2,303 Ebooks in this category Paul Murray Kendall: Richard the Third ‘The best biography of Richard III that has been written.’—A. L. Rowse, Chicago Tribune Paul Murray Kendall’s masterful account of the life of England’s King Richard III has remained the standard bio … EPUB English Adobe DRM €19.99 William Barry: The Papal Monarchy IN the night of the 24th of August, 410, Alaric, King of the Western Goths, entered Rome with his army, by the Salarian Gate — outside of which Hannibal had encamped long ago–and took the Im … EPUB English Adobe DRM €0.91 Alaric Hall: Elves in Anglo-Saxon England Elves and elf-belief during the Anglo-Saxon period are reassessed in this lively and provocative study. Anglo-Saxon elves [Old English ælfe] are one of the best attested non-Christian beliefs in earl … EPUB English Adobe DRM €29.99 Eric Lowe: The Use of Medieval Weaponry From fantasy novels and cosplay to Renaissance festivals and roleplaying games, the love for medieval weapons runs deep. But how were they actually used? In The Use of Medieval Weaponry, historical f … EPUB English Adobe DRM €13.99 Ernest A. Moody: Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Science, and Logic Students of medieval thought have long been stimulated by the work of Ernest A. Moody. That intellectual debt should be increased by this volume, which brings together the significant shorter studies … EPUB English Adobe DRM €52.99 Elizabeth Eva Leach: Medieval Sex Lives Medieval Sex Lives examines courtly song as a complex cultural product and social force in the early fourteenth century, exploring how it illuminates the relationship between artistic production and … EPUB English Adobe DRM €30.99 Dr. Steven G. Hodgson: Between the Rod and the Rood This captivating study, based on original research undertaken at The University of Oxford, offers fascinating insight into the lives of a group of children in Early Medieval England who were called ‘ … EPUB English Adobe DRM €12.99 Dr. Clifton Wilcox: The Fall of the Kingdom of Northumbria The Battle of Dunnichen is significant since it marked the turning point in the history of the Picts and marked their independence from the Kingdom of Northumbria. Not only is this possibly the best … EPUB English Adobe DRM €4.49 Louise Creighton: Edward III On the 15th June, in the year 1330, there were great rejoicings in the Royal Palace of Woodstock. One Thomas Prior came hastening to the young King Edward III. to tell him that his Queen ha … EPUB English Adobe DRM €0.91 Edward Lane: Arabian Society in the Middle Ages The confession of the Muslim’s faith is briefly made in these words, —’There is no deity but God: Moḥammad is God’s Apostle, ‘—which imply a belief and observance of everything that Moḥammad taught t … EPUB English Adobe DRM €0.91 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×