Miscellaneous SupportCatalogNon-FictionPolitics / EconomyBiographies, AutobiographiesPoliticsSocietyEconomics – GeneralBusiness ManagementEconomics Money, Banking, Stock ExchangeReal EstateMiscellaneous229 Ebooks in this category Petri Pommelin: The Survival Guide to EU Medical Device Regulations The Regulations for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 5 May 2017, and they entered into force 26 May 2017. A regu … EPUB English €19.99 Harald Psaridis: The Leader Maker Many believe they know what makes a leader and how people should really be led. Harald Psaridis acquired this experience through over 20 years of hard work, and built up one of Europe’s largest finan … EPUB English €16.99 University of Oulu Finland & Harri Kaikkonen: Rapid Product Development Handbook Rapid Development Handbook paves the footpath for companies facing challenges with their capability to response to urgent product development needs. This book brings together practices and tools rese … EPUB English €8.49 Antti Leijala: Ultra Lean Sales Whether you are a small-town entrepreneur or a large international organisation, Ultra Lean Sales offers a new way of sales for all companies. Ultra Lean Sales offers a solution for three discontinui … EPUB English €19.99 Timo Järvensivu: Managing (in) Networks What is network management? What is the basis for vibrant networking? What kind of leadership is needed? What are the required tools and steps? This book answers these and other questions with resear … EPUB English €12.99 Antti Leijala: Ultra Lean Business Start the change now, increase your competitiveness! Ultra Lean Business, Entrepreneurship Black Belt tackles the most common problems small companies and entrepreneurs face. The reader gets 50 or mo … EPUB English €18.99 Florian Mueck: PlusPlus Have you met the Aerobic Penguin? Do you speak like an AK-47? Do you dance the Cha Cha Cha on stage? Plus Plus offers you more than a hundred ideas for better communication. In three blocks – content … EPUB English €7.99 Johanna Vehkoo: Painokoneet seis! Onko journalismi kriisissä? Millainen on uuden median suhde demokratiaan? Entä mitä laatujournalismi voi nykyaikana oikein tarkoittaa ja voidaanko se vielä pelastaa? Kirjassaan Painokoneet seis! toim … EPUB Finnish Adobe DRM €14.99 Jari Kähkönen: Reservinsivarin loppusota Tavallinen keski-ikäinen suomalaismies joutui melkoiseen pyöritykseen saatuaan kertausharjoituskäskyn. Siinä meni uusiksi maailmankatsomuskin, kun osoittautui ettei kerran hät’hätää täysi-ikäisenä te … EPUB Finnish Adobe DRM €7.99 Marko Yli-Pietilä & Mikko Tani: Vuorovaikutusmyynti Myyjän työ on muuttunut entistä haastavammaksi, kun maailma digitalisoituu. Asiakkaan taas on yhä vaikeampi johtaa liiketoimintatavoitteistaan selkeitä ratkaisutarpeita yritysten toimintakentän ja te … EPUB Finnish Adobe DRM €22.99 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×