Social Sciences SupportCatalogFictionChildren BooksTravelGuidebooksHuman SciencesSciencesSocial SciencesSchool / StudyNon-FictionGeneralSociologyPoliticsMedia / CommunicationEthnologyLawEconomy642,947 Ebooks in this category Howard G. Schneiderman: Engagement and Disengagement Part dialogue, part debate between Howard Schneiderman and a small number of social theorists, Engagement and Disengagement represents the culmination of a life’s work in social theory. On the one ha … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.70 Parul Dave & Pallavi M Mehta: A Royal Lineage This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America … EPUB Adobe DRM €15.37 Andres Cruz & Francisco Urdinez: R for Political Data Science R for Political Data Science: A Practical Guide is a handbook for political scientists new to R who want to learn the most useful and common ways to interpret and analyze political data. It was writt … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.19 Neilesh Bose: South Asian Migrations in Global History This collection explores how South Asian migrations in modern history have shaped key aspects of globalization since the 1830s. Including original research from colonial India, Fiji, Mexico, South Af … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.66 Jonathan H. Turner: On Human Nature In this book, Jonathan H. Turner combines sociology, evolutionary biology, cladistic analysis from biology, and comparative neuroanatomy to examine human nature as inherited from common ancestors sha … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.08 Stephanie Burridge & Julie Dyson: Shaping the Landscape This, the fourth book in the series ”Celebrating Dance in Asia and the Pacific”, explores the current dance scene in Australia from a wide perspective that mirrors the creative engagement of artist … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.71 K.S. Chon: Japanese Tourists Find out how to entertain all types of Japanese tourists from student groups to retirees!Would a Japanese traveler rather see pictures of beautiful landscapes or smiling Japanese couples in a tourist … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.80 Matt Anderson & Alina Perez: Social Medicine and the Coming Transformation Social medicine, starting two centuries ago, has shown that social conditions affect health and illness more than biology does, and social change affects the outcomes of health and illness more than … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.27 Sidney Jacobs: The Right to a Decent House Originally published in 1976, this book highlights the problems faced by many inner-city working class communities in 1970s Britain, with particular reference to the Gairbraid housing clearance area … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.12 Parminder Bhachu: Movers and Makers We live in times of extreme change. There could be no better time than now to interrogate the lives of new kinds of people, movers and makers, who navigate fragility and uncertainty to create with da … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.76 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×