Social Sciences SupportCatalogFictionChildren BooksTravelGuidebooksHuman SciencesSciencesSocial SciencesSchool / StudyNon-FictionGeneralSociologyPoliticsMedia / CommunicationEthnologyLawEconomy645,824 Ebooks in this category Brian R. Little & Susan D. Phillips: Personal Project Pursuit Personal Project Pursuit is the first book to feature Brian Little”s highly respected personal projects analysis (PPA), one of the pioneering theories in contemporary personality and motivational ps … EPUB Adobe DRM €71.12 KevinM. Beaver: Biosocial Theories of Crime Biosocial criminology is an emerging perspective that highlights the interdependence between genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of antisocial behaviors. However, given that biosocial c … EPUB Adobe DRM €334.17 Benjamin Chinitz & Charles J. Leven: Spatial, Regional and Population Economics Originally published in 1972. Hoover’s first publication, his doctoral dissertation, set the stage for a life-long preoccupation with spatial economics from when it was a relatively new field. His wo … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.12 Lisa Dorn: Driver Behaviour and Training This title was first published in 2003. Research on driver behaviour over the past two decades has demonstrated that driver characteristics, goals and motivations are important determinants of drivin … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.52 Manon Tremblay: Sharing Power The representation of women in parliament is a subject of extensive research and a focus for political action in the last decade. The wide variation in women”s parliamentary presence contradicts the … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.36 Stefan Kuhl: Organizations From businesses, public administrations, universities and schools, to hospitals, prisons, political parties, or the military, peoples’ lives are inextricably bound up with organizations from cradle t … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.32 Ulf Mellstrom: Masculinity, Power and Technology Drawing on fieldwork carried out among male motor mechanics in the Chinese diaspora of Penang, Malaysia, this informative volume explores the links between technology and the masculinization of power … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.52 Gordon Cumming: Aid to Africa The end of the Cold War forced Western donors to rethink their aid relations with Africa. This book looks at two of these donors, France and Britain, and asks whether the development programmes of th … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.74 Chaim I. Waxman: American Aliya A broad analysis of the phenomenon of American migration to Israel. The major focus is on the who, when, and where of American immigration to Israel, but it is the ‘why’ of this aliya which constitut … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.84 Gnanapala Welhengama: Minorities” Claims: From Autonomy to Secession This title was first published in 2000: An investigation of how the claims of minority groups for greater political power through ”autonomy” and ”secession” clash with the concerns of the nation- … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.44 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×