General, Encyclopedias SupportCatalogSocial SciencesLawGeneral, EncyclopediasCivil Law, Civil LitigationPublic LawCriminal Law, Criminal Law, CriminologyCommercial Law, Business LawTaxesLabour Law, Social LawInternational LawMiscellaneous11,269 Ebooks in this category Vladimir Orlov: Introduction to Business Law in Russia This volume provides a comprehensive overview of business law in Russia. It presents an introduction to the Russian legal system in general before going on to provide a thorough analysis of the key a … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.06 Penny Darbyshire: Sitting in Judgment The public image of judges has been stuck in a time warp; they are invariably depicted in the media – and derided in public bars up and down the country – as ”privately educated Oxbridge types”, us … EPUB Adobe DRM €80.99 Christopher Shepherd: Key Cases: Company Law Key Cases is the essential series for anyone studying law, including A Level, LLB, ILEX and post-graduate conversion courses. Understanding and memorising leading cases fully is a vital part of the s … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.55 Emmanuel Voyiakis: Private Law and the Value of Choice Some say that private law ought to correct wrongs or to protect rights. Others say that private law ought to maximise social welfare or to minimise social cost. In this book, Emmanuel Voyiakis claims … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.34 Ann Laquer Estin: The Multi-Cultural Family With the accelerating movement of individuals and families across national borders, the intersections of cultural and legal frameworks have become increasingly complex. The Multi-Cultural Family coll … EPUB Adobe DRM €416.47 Atalanta Goulandris: The Enterprising Barrister What is it like working as a barrister in the 21st century? The independent Bar has transformed in the last 30 years into a commercialised, enterprising profession. Based on interviews with and obser … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.97 Beverley Hopkins & Emma Washbourne: Key Cases: Evidence Key Cases has been specifically written for students studying law. It is an essential revision tool to be used alone or with the partner Key Facts book in order to ensure a thorough knowledge of core … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.70 Allan Beever: The Law of Private Nuisance It is said that a nuisance is an interference with the use and enjoyment of land. This definition is typically unhelpful. While a nuisance must fit this account, it is plain that not all such interfe … EPUB Adobe DRM €80.89 Dr Nahel Asfour: Wrongful Enrichment This book analyses enrichment law and its development and underpinning in social culture within three geographical regions: the United States, western members of the European Union and the late Ottom … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.42 Dr Randall Stephenson: A Crisis of Democratic Accountability This book undertakes a comparative study of the public interest and political speech defences in defamation law, particularly from the perspective of the misuse of democratic free expression justific … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.91 Next page >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Change user language × ArabicGermanEnglishSpanishFrenchHindiIndonesianItalianMalayDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSwedishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnameseChineseInternational Modal ×