This book emphasizes the significance of affects, feelings and emotions in how we think about politics, gender and sexuality in Latin America. Considering the complex and even contradictory social processes that the region is experiencing today, many Latin American authors are turning to affect to find a key to understand our present situation, to revisit our history, and to imagine new possibilities for the future. This tendency has shown such a specificity and sometimes departure from northern productions that it compels us to focus more deeply on its own arguments, methods, and critical contributions. This volume features essays that explore the particularities of Latin American ways of thinking about affect and how they can shed new light into our understanding of, gender, sexuality and politics.
Table of Content
Introduction. SECTION I Chapter 1: Cecilia Macón: #Que Sea Ley: Abortion Rights in Argentina and the Latin American Fourth Wave of Feminism.- Chapter 2: Daniela Losiggio: Pleasure and Sexual Freedom as Gender Ideology, Organized Actions Against the Universalization of Sexual and Gender Rights in Latin American Recent Context.- Chapter 3: Virginia Villamediana: Affects and the Constructions of Citizenship Senses in Ecuador.- Chapter 4: Nayla Luz Vacarezza: The Green Kerchief for Abortion Rights in Chile and Argentina. Affective Contagion and Artistic Appropriations.- Chapter 5: Ali Lara: The Politics of the Sensitive and the Colonization of Gender. SECTION II Chapter 6: Laura Arnés: Feminist Scenes: Among Sorrow and Celebration.- Chapter 7: Denilson Lopes: Back to the Party: Affects, Relations and Encounters.- Chapter 8: Cynthia Francica: Beyond the Human: Gender, Affect and Monstrous Lives in the Narrative of Argentine Writer Samanta Schweblin (1978).- Chapter 9: Macarena Urzúa: Spiritism as Artistic, Affective and Feminist Agency: The Sisters Morla, Example of a Spectral Archive.- Chapter 10: Daniel Kveller: Electric Bodies, Glowing Perfomances: Precarity and Utopia in Brazilian Contemporary Cinema. SECTION III Chapter 11: Mariela Solana: Nostalgia as Historical Critique: Time and Desire in Rosa Prepucio.- Chapter 12: Oliva López: Passions of the Soul: Female Body and Madness in Mexico (1890-1930).- Chapter 13: Eduardo Mattio: Anachronistic Emotions: A Dissident Narrative of Failure in Carlos Correas.- Chapter 14: Zandra Pedraza: Affective Relationships in Domestic Education. A Historical-Anthropological Perspective of Emotional Education of Parents and Children in Latin America During the First Decades of the 20th Century.- Chapter 15: Edith Flores: Crimes of Passion, Bodies and Affects in Mexico City’s early XX Century.- Conclusion.
About the author
Cecilia Macón is Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Mariela Solana is Assistant Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina.
Nayla Luz Vacarezza is Assistant Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina.