One of Mississippi’s most fascinating personalities and one of its absolutely best raconteurs, Capers can hold any reader or listener enthralled with her witty, delicious narratives. Here she focuses upon whatever seized her insights—mainly life in its ordinary gait—yet her reports of the smalltown scene are as alluring as the tales of Shaharazade.
These delightful essays, as Eudora Welty says in the foreword, “were written to amuse, and they abundantly do so.”
About the author
Eudora Welty is author of many novels and story collections, including The Optimist’s Daughter (winner of the Pulitzer Prize), Losing Battles, The Ponder Heart, The Robber Bridegroom, A Curtain of Green and Other Stories, as well as three collections of her photographic work—Photographs, Country Churchyards, and One Time, One Place: Mississippi in the Depression: A Snapshot Album, all published by University Press of Mississippi.