Author: Cheikh Hamidou Kane

CHEIKH HAMIDOU KANE was born in 1928 in Mataru, Sen- egal, the son of a local chief. Having started at a Koranic school, he went on to a local French primary school, and eventually was sent off to read philosophy and law at the Sorbonne in Paris. Subsequently, he studied at the École Nationale de la France d”Outre-Mer, which had been founded by the French government to train colonial administrators. During Kane”s years in Paris he wrote a novel based closely on his experience, Ambiguous Adventure, and after his return to Senegal in 1959 he set about getting it published, while also taking a job as a governmental bureaucrat. The novel was published in 1961 to immediate acclaim, and the following year won the Grand Prix Littéraire d”Afrique Noir. Kane meanwhile went on to rise in ministerial positions in the Senegalese government, serving as Director of the Department of Economic Planning and Development, Governor of the Region of Thies, and Commissioner of Planning. He has also worked for UNICEF in Lagos and Abidjan. Kane lives in Dakar.KATHERINE WOODS, besides being known for her translation of Ambiguous Adventure, is perhaps best known for her 1943 translation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry”s The Little Prince.

1 Ebooks by Cheikh Hamidou Kane

Cheikh Hamidou Kane: Ambiguous Adventure