‘A captivating topic for teachers, as we all have students who are capable and yet choose not to learn.’
—Melissa Miller, Sixth-Grade Teacher
Lynch Middle School, Farmington, AR
‘The authors are clearly passionate about the need to uncover and build upon students′ desire and motivation to learn.’
—Paul Parkison, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
University of Southern Indiana
Discover how to release the will to learn in all students!
Students who have a strong sens...
‘A captivating topic for teachers, as we all have students who are capable and yet choose not to learn.’
—Melissa Miller, Sixth-Grade Teacher
Lynch Middle School, Farmington, AR
‘The authors are clearly passionate about the need to uncover and build upon students′ desire and motivation to learn.’
—Paul Parkison, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
University of Southern Indiana
Discover how to release the will to learn in all students!
Students who have a strong sense of self-worth and know what they can achieve are more likely to be fully engaged in the learning process and capable of significant academic achievements. This updated edition of Connecting With Students′ Will to Succeed offers practical lessons to help all students channel their emotions and energy into becoming positive, self-motivated, and self-directed learners.
Focusing on the concept of conation—’the internal drive that pushes one beyond ordinary expectations and accomplishments’—the authors offer research-based strategies that enable teachers to nurture self-esteem in students and inspire learners with low expectations to strive for excellence. This revised resource offers:
- Updated research that informs teaching methods
- Chapter-opening quotes from teachers and students
- Additional grade-specific individual and group activities that include instructional objectives for specific content areas
- Suggestions for both formal and informal assessments in each chapter
Strategies That Promote Student Engagement is a road map for connecting the heart, mind, and will of teachers and students to the lifelong pursuit of learning.