Imagine a life where God is constantly involved in every situation that you are experiencing—and that many times he decides to make you aware of his presence. It would surely be a humbling, sometimes frightening, but most always encouraging and hopeful experience.
God of the Coin Toss and Other Short Stories is a collection of inspiring true stories of those moments where God guided the way and made himself known. Author Chris Cantrell hopes to use his personal stories as a testimony to God’s presence in our lives, and he encourages fellow believers to seek the Lord, perhaps asking the Lord to make himself truly known to us and through us in the process.
Jesus has so many ways of communicating his great love for us. If we would just give a few moments of our time to look, hear, and see what he is up to in our lives, we may find that it is rather easy to recognize his voice and his ways. You are not alone in your pursuit of faith, and God really wants to have a relationship with you—one that is intimate, strong, and enduring.
About the author
Chris Cantrell has been a Christian since childhood, and for over forty years he has had many opportunities to see God at work in his life, his friends’ lives, and in our nation. His strong belief that there really is a God has enabled him to navigate life’s many trials. Through direct intervention from a holy Lord, this science teacher has been delivered from death, received personal information about people he’s just met, and been given divine wisdom on the job.