The Cost is for those in the cost engineering field and everyone who is in a manufacturing business: engineers, buyers, sales reps, accountants, operations folks, and business consultants.
The Cost is a story of a cost engineering consultant named Doug Benson who does his best to help companies understand and improve cost. When Doug arrives at Electronica, the company is on a verge of bankruptcy and hardly even knows why. He must use all his cost engineering knowledge and leadership skills amidst some considerable corporate drama all the while fighting his own personal demons in order to give Electronica a chance. The type of situations that he finds himself in are happening all over the world every day and the results are often dramatic with people losing jobs, stakeholders losing millions of dollars, and communities losing hope.
The Cost is not only for those in the cost engineering field. This book is for everyone in a manufacturing business. It is for engineers, buyers, sales reps, accountants, operations folks, and business consultants. This book is also for anyone that is leading a business and has the power to employ cost engineering to make their company successful.
About the author
Chris Domanski has over 25 years of experience in cost engineering, purchasing, finance, and engineering in the automotive industry, most recently as a senior purchasing manager at Nexteer Automotive. Mr. Domanski is the president and a board director of the Society of Product Cost Engineering and Analytics (SPCEA) that has a Linked In group with over 5, 300 members. He is also a frequent speaker at the annual Automotive Cost Engineering Conference. Mr. Domanski graduated with a bachelor’s of science degree in mechanical engineering from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI, and a master’s degree in business administration with finance concentration from Oakland University in Rochester Hills, MI. He also holds a certificate in negotiation and leadership from Harvard University Law School in Boston, MA.