Im Zentrum dieses Buches stehen Geschichte, Materialität, Mikrolandschaften und Atmosphären der Partnerstädte Innsbruck und New Orleans. Dabei stützen sich die Autorinnen und Autoren auf das Konzept der ‘multiplen Landschaften’.
Table of Content
Cities and Landscapes: Comparing Innsbruck and New Orleans 11
Christina Antenhofer, Robert L. Dupont
I Multiple Landscapes
Poetic Places and Multiple Landscapes: Exploring Urban Topographies 35
Christina Antenhofer, Ulrich Leitner
University Cities: A Strategic Resource of Small and Medium-Sized Cities in Europe 61
Gastone Ave
Interaction between Cities and Universities: Innsbruck Univer©ity 83
Tilmann D. Märk, Thomas Baumgartner
Human Bodies and the City: Art as a Medium to Explore Urban Landscapes 97
Ulrich Leitner
II Historical Readings
The Mysteries of New Orleans: Culture Formation and the Layering of History 107
Berndt Ostendorf
Between Land and Water 121
Robert L. Dupont
An Architectural Geography of New Orleans’ French Quarter 133
Richard Campanella
Innsbruck as an Historical City 167
Julia Hörmann-Thurn und Taxis
III Material Realities
Obscuring Risk: The Levee Landscape of New Orleans 187
Craig E. Colten
Higher Ground: Land Loss, Infrastructured Landscapes, and Human Habitats 217
Stefano de Martino, Gerald Haselwanter
Innsbruck as Olympic City 237
Arnold Klotz, Wolfgang Meixner
Bicycling in Urban Landscape: Exploring Discursive, Cultural and Spatial Dynamics 251
Philipp K. Wegerer
IV Atmospheres
The (Felt) Body of the City: Feeling Urban Spaces 277
Jürgen Hasse
Matchpoint Innsbruck 295
Bart Lootsma
Capital of the Alps: Mountains as Innsbruck’s Landscape of Taste 325
Simone Egger
Not Commodified Enough: An Anthropological Case Study about Music in New Orleans 347
Bernhard Bauer
V Micro-Landscapes
Restructuring Public Landscapes in Gentrifying New Orleans 371
Renia Ehrenfeucht
Ultra Soccer Fans and the Cultural Logic of Symbolic Gift Exchange: Ethnographic Encounters in the Micro-Landscape of Soccer Fans 391
Jochen Bonz
From the Bayou to the Table: The Croatian Community of Southeastern Louisiana and their Role in Louisiana’s
Seafood Industry 401
Reneé Bourgogne
schaug-Shifting Perspectives on Linguistic Landscapes: Implications for Language Learners 417
Dominik Unterthiner, Alexander Topf, Stephanie Baur
VI Hidden Sides
Essential but Invisible: Migration as Part of Urban and General History 441
Dirk Rupnow
Saving the City from Sex Deviates: Preservationists, Homosexuals and Reformers in the French Quarter, 1950-1962 459
Alecia P. Long
Landscapes of Psychiatry in the Tyrol in the Nineteenth Century with a Comparative View of Louisiana 471
Maria Heidegger
Dangerous Spaces-Endangered Youth: Considering Urban Space as a Relevant Dimension in Researching the History of Residential Care in Post-War Innsbruck 495
Flavia Guerrini
Notes on Authors 513
Index 515
About the author
Christina Antenhofer ist assoziierte Professorin für Geschichte des Mittelalters an der Universität Innsbruck. Günter Bischof ist Marshall-Plan-Professor für Geschichte an der University of New Orleans. Robert L. Dupont, assoziierter Professor, leitet dort das Department of History. Ulrich Leitner, Dr. phil., ist Universitätsassistent am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.