SABINE BLACKMORE Humboldt-Universität, Germany TOBIAS DÖRING Professor of English Literature, LMU Munich, Germany CHRISTOPH EHLAND, Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Paderborn, Germany ANNE ENDERWITZ Post-Doctoral Fellow, Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany PETER FRITZSCHE Professor of History at the University of Illinois, USA JOHAN GEERTSEMA National University of Singapore ANDREW GIBSON Research Professor of Modern Literature and Theory, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK PAUL GILROY Anthony Giddens Professor in Social Theory, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK STEPHAN KOHL Professor Emeritus of English Cultures and Literature, University of Würzburg, Germany GABRIELE RIPPL Professor of Literatures in English, University of Berne, Switzerland JENNIFER RUTHERFORD Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Flinder, Austria ELIZABETH SAKELLARIDOU Professor of Drama and Theatre Studies, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece KIRSTEN SANDROCK Assistant Professor at the Department of English Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Göttingen, Germany JULIANA SCHIESARI Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis, USA FELIX C. H. SPRANG Assistant Professor of English Literature, University of Hamburg, Germany PIETER VERMEULEN Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Flemish Research Council(FWO), University of Ghent, Belgium ANNE-JULIA ZWIERLEIN Professor of English Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Germany
12 Ebooks by Christina Wald
M. Middeke: The Literature of Melancholia
This collection analyzes philosophical, psycho-analytic and aesthetic contexts of the discourse of melancholia in British and postcolonial literature and culture and seeks to trace the multi-faceted …
Buck Buchanan: Denni-Jo and Pinto
A seven-year-old ranch girl (she’s almost eight!) wakes up to a beautiful day for an adventure, and gets permission from her mom to ride her pony Pinto solo across the ranch to visit her grandparents …
Anna Keener: One Day in the Desert
Mariana is a third grader living in Las Cruces, New Mexico at the northern fringe of the Chihuahuan Desert. One day her class visits Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park to hike to the top of an extinct vol …
Christina Wald: The Reformation of Romance
This study takes a fresh look at the abundant scenarios of disguise in early modern prose fiction and suggests reading them in the light of the contemporary religio-political developments. More speci …
Christina Wald: The Reformation of Romance
This study takes a fresh look at the abundant scenarios of disguise in early modern prose fiction and suggests reading them in the light of the contemporary religio-political developments. More speci …
Martin Middeke: English and American Studies
Das ganze Studium der Anglistik und Amerikanistik in einem Band. Ob englische und amerikanische Literatur, Sprachwissenschaft, Literatur- und Kulturtheorie, Fachdidaktik oder die Analyse von Filmen u …
Christina Wald: Shakespeare’s Serial Returns in Complex TV
This book examines how Shakespeare’s plays resurface in current complex TV series. Its four case studies bring together The Tempest and the science fiction-Western Westworld, King Lear and the satiri …
Jodi Adams: The Train Rolls On
This book is a must-have for fans of train and zoo animal adventures! Here comes the next train! It’s got work to do- passengers await a ride to the zoo! A determined train races the cl …
Jodi Adams: The Train Rolls On To The North Pole
The Animal Express train is back, and it’s more determined than ever! The Animal Express has got a new goal- to transport eight reindeer back to the North Pole! &# …
Carole Gerber: Annie Jump Cannon, Astronomer
This illustrated biography of the woman who holds the world record for identifying stars is “an excellent book about a true astronomical pioneer” (Paul Kohlmiller, editor, San Jose Astron …
Thomas G. Kirsch & Christina Wald: Vorläufige Gewissheiten
Wer sich aufmacht, der Rede vom Plausiblen nachzuspüren, kommt zu einem eigenartigen Befund: In Alltag und Wissenschaft sind Aussagen, dass etwas »plausibel« ist, nahezu allgegenwärtig. Auf der ander …
Jodi Adams: The Train Rolls On To The County Fair
The Animal Express train is back, and it’s more determined than ever! The Animal Express has great news to share- it’s bringing the farm to the Clay County Fair!