Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking
From elicitation, pretexting, influence and manipulation all aspects of social engineering are picked apart, discussed and explained by using real world examples, personal experience and the science behind them to unraveled the mystery in social engineering.
* Examines social engineering, the science of influencing a target to perform a desired task or divulge information
* Arms you with invaluable information about the many methods of trickery that hackers use in order to gather information with the intent of executing identity theft, fraud, or gaining computer system access
* Reveals vital steps for preventing social engineering threats
Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security
Focuses on combining the science of understanding non-verbal communications with the knowledge of how social engineers, scam artists and con men use these skills to build feelings of trust and rapport in their targets. The author helps readers understand how to identify and detect social engineers and scammers by analyzing their non-verbal behavior. Unmasking the Social Engineer shows how attacks work, explains nonverbal communications, and demonstrates with visuals the connection of non-verbal behavior to social engineering and scamming.
* Clearly combines both the practical and technical aspects of social engineering security
* Reveals the various dirty tricks that scammers use
* Pinpoints what to look for on the nonverbal side to detect the social engineer
About the author
Chris Hadnagy is a worldwide consultant on the ‘human’ aspect of security technology: social engineering. He provides training to the Fortune 500 (Sony, Lock Heed Martin, etc.) analyzing malicious attacks by social engineers/hackers and then provides step-by-step prevention techniques. Chris is a frequent speaker at RSA and major security conferences and is the author of Wiley’s best-selling book, Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. Chris can be found online at, and twitter @humanhacker.
Paul Ekman is a pioneer in the study of nonverbal behavior. He was among TIME Magazine’s Top 100 most influential people in 2009. His work has been covered in Time, Smithsonian Magazine, Psychology Today, The New Yorker, New York Times, and the Washington Post. He has appeared on 48 Hours, Dateline, Good Morning America, 20/20, Larry King, Oprah, News Hour with Jim Lehrer, and the TV show Lie to Me was based on Dr. Ekman’s work.