As a market-leading, free, open-source Linux operating system (OS), Fedora 10 is implemented in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and serves asan excellent OS for those who want more frequent updates.Bestselling author Christopher Negus offers an ideal companionresource for both new and advanced Linux users. He presents clear, thorough instructions so you can learn how to make Linuxinstallation simple and painless, take advantage of the desktopinterface, and use the Linux shell, file system, and text editor.He also describes key system administration skills, includingsetting up users, automating system tasks, backing up and restoringfiles, and understanding the latest security issues and threats.Included is both a DVD distribution of Fedora Linux 10 and abootable Fedora Live CD.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
Table of Content
I. Getting Started in Fedora and RHEL.1. An Overview of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.2. Installing Fedora.3. Getting Started with the Desktop.4. Using Linux Commands.II. Using Fedora and RHEL.5. Accessing and Running Applications.6. Publishing with Fedora and RHEL.7. Gaming in Fedora and RHEL.8. Music, Video, and Images in Linux.9. Using the Internet and the Web.III. Administering Fedora and RHEL.10. Understanding System Administration.11. Setting Up and Supporting Users.12. Automating System Tasks.13. Backing Up and Restoring Files.14. Computer Security Issues.IV. Fedora and RHEL Network and Server Setup.15. Setting Up Network Connections and LANs.16. Connecting to the Internet.17. Setting Up Printers and Printing.18. Setting Up a File Server.19. Setting Up a Mail Server.20. Setting Up an FTP Server.21. Setting Up a Web Server.22. Setting up an LDAP Address Book Server.23. Setting Up a DHCP Boot Server.24. Setting Up a My SQL Database Server.25. Making Servers Public with DNS.26. Integrating Fedora with Apple Macs.Appendix A: About the Media.Appendix B: Running Network Services.Appendix C: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Features.