The young high school students, Chris Stamper and Mike Smith, with their girlfriends, plus two other friends, go on a cruise for spring break. A freak hurricane hits and the cruise ship gets pushed into the Bermuda Triangle. Their genetics change due to the mystic abilities of the Bermuda. The ship crushes and leaves these young kids stranded on an island. How can they survive and get home? How will they fight the villains and go to school, learn how to use their abilities? Can they handle it all? Find out.
About the author
Mike Mc Carron was born on December 28th and is 36 years-old He is married to Linnea and together they have a Pomeranian Chihuahua mix dog named Roxxy. I met Chris through a shared experience and we keep each other sane…mostly. He got me writing and editing what we wrote. I hope you enjoy the book series and enjoy our work.