Author: Claire Lajaunie

Romain Boulet is Doctor in mathematics and associate professor at the iaelyon School of Management and is a member of the Magellan Research Center in Lyon, France. His research areas include graph theory (especially algebraic graph theory) and network analysis, with a particular interest in interdisciplinary collaboration. He has focused on the analysis of legal networks and organized workshops on complexity and public policy.  Claire Lajaunie is Doctor of Law, HDR-accreditation to supervise research- (Aix-Marseille University, France). Researcher at Inserm, she is a Board Member of the International Multidisciplinary Thematic Network “Biodiversity, Health and Societies in Southeast Asia” (Thailand). She is working on Global Environmental Law and public policies, their links with regulation regarding health (infectious diseases) and ethical issues. She is currently involved in research projects focusing on Southeast Asia and she is particularly interested in the relationship between environmental law, ecology and rural development. She is also Affiliate Researcherat the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.  Pierre Mazzega is Doctor in earth observation from space, Engineer in geophysics, HDR-accreditation to supervise research- (Toulouse University, France). Senior scientist at CNRS in the Geosciences Environment Toulouse lab (France), he is developing research on the  modelling of environmental Law, policy and governance complex systems, and in the nonlinear (in situ & remote sensing; quantitative and qualitative) data analysis and assimilation in models. He is also Affiliate Researcher the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

5 Ebooks by Claire Lajaunie

Romain Boulet & Claire Lajaunie: Law, Public Policies and Complex Systems: Networks in Action
This book investigates how various scientific communities – e.g. legal scientists, political scientists, sociologists, mathematicians, and computer scientists – study law and public policies, which …
Claire Lajaunie & Serge Morand: Biodiversity and Health
There is a gap between the ecology of health and the concepts supported by international initiatives such as Eco Health, One Health or Planetary Health; a gap which this book aims to fill. Global …
Claire Lajaunie & Serge Morand: Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is highly diversified in terms of socio-ecosystems and biodiversity, but is undergoing dramatic environmental and social changes. These changes characterize the recent period and can …
Claire Lajaunie & Serge Morand: Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is highly diversified in terms of socio-ecosystems and biodiversity, but is undergoing dramatic environmental and social changes. These changes characterize the recent period and can …
Claire Lajaunie & Serge Morand: Biodiversite et sante
Biodiversite et sante comble le fosse entre l’ecologie de la sante et les concepts issus des initiatives internationales comme Eco Health, One Health ou Planetary Health.La biodiversite et la sante …