In the field of Dynamical Systems, nonlinear iterative processes play an important role. Nonlinear mappings can be found as immediate models for many systems from different scientific areas, such as engineering, economics, biology, or can also be obtained via numerical methods permitting to solve non-linear differential equations. In both cases, the understanding of specific dynamical behaviors and phenomena is of the greatest interest for scientists. This volume contains papers that were presented at the International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications (NOMA 2011) held in Évora, Portugal, on September 15-16, 2011. This kind of collaborative effort is of paramount importance in promoting communication among the various groups that work in dynamical systems and networks in their research theoretical studies as well as for applications. This volume is suitable for graduate students as well as researchers in the field.
Table of Content
J. P. Almeida; A. A. Pinto; D. A. Rand, Renormalization of circle diffeomorphism sequences and Markov sequences.- F. Balibrea; M. V. Caballero, Examples of Lyapunov exponents in two dimensional systems.- R. A. da Costa; S. N. Dorogovtsev; A.V. Goltsev; J. F. F. Mendes, Characteristics of the explosive percolation transition.- E. S. Roberts; A. Annibale; A. C. C. Coolen, Controlled Markovian dynamics of graphs: unbiased generation of random graphs with prescribed topological properties.- G. Bettencourt, A case leading to rationalist of the drift.- L. S. Efremova, Remarks on the nonwandering set of skew products with a closed set of periodic points of the quotient map.- J. Erreira, Green route planner.- P. Gomes; N. Franco; L. Silva, Families of hyperbolic Lorenz knots.- C. Gracio; A. C. C. Coolen; A. Annibale, Cycle statistics in complex networks and Ihara’s zeta function; Z. B. Jemaa; D.Fournier-Prunaret; S. Belghith, Independence test of chaotic sequences; Y. Kawai; T. Tsubone, Stability Transformation Method for Unstable Periodic Orbits and Its Realization; N. Klinshpont, Lorenz attractors and generalizations. Geometric and topological aspects; R. Lopez-Ruiz; E. Shivanian, A nonlinear map for the decay to equilibrium of ideal gases.- S. Mendes, On the dynamics of a cubic p-adic polynomial.- C. Serpa; J. Buescu, A dynamical approach to congruences: linking circle maps and aperiodic necklaces.- Y. Uwate; Y. Nishio, Complex pattern in a chain of couples maps based on neuron model with space and time-varying couplings.