The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet is a near future fantasy set in the mystical world of Ninas Twei and the real world country of Uhs. In Ninas Twei all of Earth’s species dance and sing together to ensure the continuance of life on Earth — all, that is, except Homo sapiens. Greed and the lust for power has barred them from the dance.
A small gray cat, a red-tailed hawk, and a mysterious homeless woman urge teacher Giselle to “go north” where she finds a new job in a small rural community. There she hears songs from the earth and the trees which lead her to a group of people who, becoming their Tla Twein (mythical animals or gods), travel to Ninas Twei.
Gathering an increasingly diverse group of people from the city, the country, and the world, the Tla Twein engage in a life and death struggle to heal the rift in the natural order and defeat the forces of greed. But they know this is just one step in the journey. They must stay vigilant if humans are to stay in the dance.
Giselle, now the Earth Woman Tree Woman, joins with the Wolfwind, and together they become all things – earth, air, and water; flora and fauna – a compassionate force for the well-being of the earth.
The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet contains four illustrations and many songs, some of which have been set to music and can be found at
Table of Content
The Tree and the Woman are One
Prologue: The Hunters and the Cat
Giselle Enters the Dance
Journey to Ninas Twei
Tsin Twei
The Hunt: Missing Children
Ninas Twei: Singing Swan
The Hunt: The Forest Good or Evil
Ninas Twei: Pain
The Hunters and the Cat (Reprise)
Ninas Twei: The Fall
Tla Twein Forever
Hunter’s Moon, Still Dark
Dorotea in Ninas Twei
Hunter’s Moon, Waxing Gibbous
Full Hunter’s Moon
Full Moon Waning
Waning Gibbous in Bayomar
An Lien Searches the Web
Like a Tiger, I am Growing
Luhanada Moonmother
Tata Sundancer
Luha Down the Crevice
The Judgment
Luha Explores the Temple
Kuji and Peeka
Parade of the Gods
The Piercing Voice
“Nameless One called for Light”
Kuji Gathers her Band
Madre de Dios
The Long Dark Room
The Wolves Song: I am the Wild
Hunter’s Moon, Waning to Last Quarter
In the Cavern: The Listener in the Hall
A Monkey?
Ranulf Clips the Wires
A Murmuring Sound
Last Quarter, Hunter’s Moon
Dog Dance
The Gift
Too Hot!
Flash Drives?
Hunter’s Moon, Last Quarter Waning
Forever Tla Twein
The Hacker
In the Canyon
Ayoabia, Oya of the Winds
Waning Towards Crescent/
Durga, the Invincible
The Wind is Gone
To the Dance!
Weaving the Future
Hunter’s Moon, Waning Crescent
Afterword – The Cat Moves On
Going Forth – Arise
Appendix I – Terms, Characters, Places and Groups
Appendix II – The World of Ninas Twei
About the author
Connie Pwll Walck Tyler, activist, teacher, writer, composer, and mystic, received her most important education working in the civil rights and peace movements in the sixties. This has been enhanced by constant ‘continuing education’ in various progressive movements. She taught public school for twenty-one years working with pre-school through high school children from every different background imaginable.
Pwll has danced, sung, and played music for her own personal enjoyment since she was a small child. Now she does improvisational dancing, singing and story-telling for recreation and personal growth with Inter Play. She agrees with the poet Rumi when he says, ’Dancing is not just getting up painlessly, like a leaf blown on the wind; dancing is when you tear your heart out and rise out of your body to hang suspended between the worlds.’
She earned an MA/MDiv in Theology and the Arts from the Pacific School of Religion where she did her field education in homeless shelters. She also has a BA (Denison University) and MA (University of California, Berkeley) in English.
Pwll has set many of the songs in the Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet to music which can be heard at
She also has a blog at
You can find her at ‘Connie Pwll Walck Tyler’ and ‘The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet’ on Facebook, and ‘Connie Tyler’ on Twitter.
Tyler teaches piano and music composition in Berkeley, California where she lives with her husband, Kenneth; two dogs, Netzakh and Hode; and her cat, Magic; and feeds Little Z, a feral kitty who belongs to herself.