‘My love, the child almost died.’ Lissa looked up in surprise at Roff’s words. His wings rustled after he spoke-he normally didn’t involve himself in the politics of Le-Ath Veronis. Not to this extent, anyway.
‘I know, honey. And now two other children are likely to die as a result. Yes, I know they did this, but I’m not convinced we have all the ones involved in the crime.’
Toff’s life is in danger-someone from the Green Fae village wants him dead. In fact, the entire Fae community has begun to grumble as Kifirin’s judgment looms. With only a few exceptions, the Fae focus their anger (and the blame) on Toff, who fails to understand why everyone now seems to be against him.
About the author
Reinvention/Reincarnation. Those words describe Connie best. She has worked as a janitor, a waitress, a mower of lawns and house cleaner, a clerk, secretary, teacher, bookseller and (finally) an author. The last occupation is the best one, because she sees it as a labor of love and therefore no labor at all.Connie has lived in Oklahoma all her life, with brief forays into other states for visits. She and her husband have been married for more years than she prefers to tell and together they have one son.After earning an MFA in Film Production and Animation from the University of Oklahoma, Connie taught courses in those subjects for a few years before taking a job as a manager for Borders. When she left the company in 2007, she fully intended to find a desk job somewhere. She found the job. And the desk. At home, writing.