Estelle Basor is professor emeritus of mathematics at the California Polytechnic State University, and deputy director of the American Institute of Mathematics. Her areas of research are in operator theory and the theory of random matrices.
Albrecht Böttcher is professor at TU Chemnitz. He is an author of several books and has edited a number of recent books in the Operator Theory series.
Torsten Erhardt is a professor at the UC Santa Cruz. His research interests range from functional analysis over harmonic analysis and Wiener-Hopf factorization theory to complex analysis.
Craig A. Tracy is emeritus distinguished professor at UC Davis. His fields of research include statistical physics, integrable systems, and probability theory.
1 Ebooks by Craig A. Tracy
Estelle Basor & Albrecht Böttcher: Toeplitz Operators and Random Matrices
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Harold Widom (1932–2021), an outstanding mathematician who has enriched mathematics with his ideas and ground breaking work since the 1950s until the present …