Written by an award-winning behavioral change expert, this practical guide shows how recent discoveries in the behavioural sciences can help you lead a more positive and rewarding life.
As 95 per cent of our brain activity carries on at a subconscious level, we’re not always aware of why we think what we think and do the things we do. Sometimes these subconscious wirings can make us think or act in ways that are not optimal for our happiness – they can bring out the illogical in us all.
How Your Brain Is Wired draws on recent breakthroughs in our understanding of how the brain really works, empowering the reader to take control over their own behavior. Full of insight and practical advice, it equips you with a toolkit of simple changes you can put into action to: reduce conflict and anxiety, achieve a positive mindset, make better decisions, have more fun and reach new goals.
This book is about rewiring your attitudes; re-seeing yourself and your choices. It reveals something rather magical: how tiny tweaks to your behavior can be all you need to deliver a big, sometimes thrilling, reboot to your life.
About the author
Crawford Hollingworth is a behavioural change expert and co-founder of The Behavioural Architects, a consultancy that works with some of the biggest companies and organisations around the world. He writes and lectures regularly on how new knowledge from the behavioural sciences can enable behavioural change.
Cathy Tomlinson is a behavioural researcher with years of consumer research experience. She led the book’s volunteer ‘brain team’ on their journey of discovery and empowerment.
Crawford and Cathy are based in Oxfordshire, UK.