‘Back in the saddle’ isn’t just a cliché or a metaphor. For Crissi Mc Donald, it describes where she’s spent four decades of her life, and a challenge she wasn’t sure she’d still be able to meet.
On an ordinary sunny afternoon in 2014, Crissi’s world falls apart. Waking up in the hospital after a freak accident with her horse, the doctors tell her that a small bleed in her brain has stopped and that she’s dodged brain surgery.
As the news sinks in, she realizes the facade of her confidence has crumbled. She’s at a crossroads: either find ways to overcome the fear that now engulfs her or give up on horses.
Adrift in uncertainty and pain, she discovers that confidence unchallenged is a fragile notion, and that strength can be found in the rebuilding of it. She confronts the reality that if she wants to get back to what she most loves doing, the room of her fears must be smaller. Each day is a choice between giving in to doubt or taking steps toward getting stronger.
Continuing the Ride chronicles the lessons she learned and the horses who helped her return to the life she loves. Whether you’d like your confidence to be more robust or you’re looking for a good horse story, you’ll find this a satisfying account of healing inside and out—and how to get back up after falling down.
Table of Content
One: New Horse, New Lessons
Two: Becoming a Detective
Three: The Unscheduled Dismount Club
Four: Finding the Herd
Five: Under the Rug
Six: It’s Not the Fall, It’s the Landing
Seven: The Pink Rose Cane
Eight: The Conversation
Nine: An Unruly Tomato Plant
Ten: Breath as a Bridge
Eleven: Ally Finds Us
Twelve: Homecoming
Thirteen: A Curious Mind
Fourteen: Hearing the Body
Fifteen: Fear Is Temporary
Sixteen: The Power of Movement
Seventeen: Pick a Direction
Eighteen: Continuing the Ride
Nineteen: Helmets
Twenty: Setbacks as Comebacks
Twenty-One: Changing Fear to Curiosity
Twenty-Two: Little Positives
Afterword: Full Circle
About the author
Crissi Mc Donald is an Arizona native who grew up surrounded by houses but dreaming of horses. She was fortunate to spend her childhood finding horses in other people’s back yards as well as helping and learning from friends who had horses. As a teenager and young adult, she began trading work for lessons.
She’s worked on cattle ranches and was the Riding Director for a horse program where she taught lessons at a Girl Scout camp in New Mexico. She’s pursued Dressage, Jumping, and Endurance riding. She’s ridden countless miles of trails both as a wrangler and with her own horses for pleasure. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, she began giving lessons and training horses. Now both a clinician and a certified equine bodyworker with The Masterson Method® she and her husband travel internationally to teach clinics.
Though Crissi has been writing since she was eight years old, ‘Continuing The Ride: Rebuilding Confidence from the Ground Up’ is her first book. BARK magazine has published her articles about dogs. Several of Mark Rashid’s books feature her photos. Crissi’s monthly blog reaches thousands of people worldwide who are looking for ways to build deep and trusting relationships with their horses. She now calls Colorado her home.