Author: Cristina Martinez

Dr. Cristina Martinez-Fernandez is a Senior Advisor on skills development, adult learning through knowledge intensive activities, and TVET strategies for inclusive growth. She specialises in employment development from new sources of growth and innovation in the green economy (greening jobs and skills towards low-carbon activities and decarbonization), and from the emerging markets linked with demographic change (older workers, older customers, health services for the elderly). Cristina holds an Adjunct Position at the University of Western Sydney. She is currently working as an Education Specialist (skills and employment) at the Asian Development Bank. From 2008 to 2015 she held several positions at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She was appointed Advisor of the Knowledge Sharing Alliance at the Secretary General Office in January 2014 where she was responsible for implementing the OECD’s knowledge sharing agenda with non-member countriesthrough leveraging the OECD’s multi-disciplinary expertise, engaging in mutual learning processes with emerging and developing economies, and increasing impacts by working closely with multi- and bilateral organisations having a field presence. Previously Cristina was the Chair of the ‘Shrinking Cities International Research Network’ (SCi RN) and founder of the SCi RN Ph D Academy. Contact: [email protected] Dr. Tamara Weyman works as a contracted expert for the ADB, ILO and OECD, on various projects involving employment and skills, SMEs development, South-East Asia, territorial development policy, and demographic change and sustainability. Recently Tamara has been involved in publications such as The Knowledge Economy at Work: Skills and Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Services Activities, “The territorial dimension of the European Social Fund: A local approach for local jobs”, Skills Development and Training in SMEs, “Demographic change and local development: Shrinkage, regeneration and social dynamics”; and a chapter in a forthcoming book entitled “From ‘up north’ to ‘down under’: Dynamics of shrinkage in mining communities in Canada and Australia” in Stories of Tough Times: International Perspectives and Policy Implication in Shrinking Cities. Tamara worked as a Research Associate at the Urban Research Centre, University of Western Sydney (UWS) and completed her Ph D on Spatial Information Sharing for Better Regional Decision Making in 2007 at UWS. Since 2009, Tamara has been involved in the COST Action TU 0803 “Cities Regrowing Smaller”. Dr. Jouke van Dijk is Professor of Regional Labour Market Analysis and Chair of the Department of Economic Geography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen. He is also Director of the Board of the Waddenacademy and President of the European Regional Science Association. His research has a strong focus on labour market issues like unemployment, employment, the dynamics of regional labour markets and migration. He has worked on and been successful in obtaining substantial funding for several major multi-disciplinary research projects on labour market issues. He is supervisor of 15 Ph D projects, 9 of which have been completed successfully. Jouke van Dijk is Editor of the Springer Regional Science Series Advances in Spatial Science and Overseeing Editor of the Journal of Economic and Social Geography. He is advisor and consultant for the European Union, various ministries, provinces and municipalities, private firms and research institutes, the public employment service, educational institutes, unions and other organisations dealing with labour market issues and regional development.

13 Ebooks by Cristina Martinez

Cristina Martinez & Tamara Weyman: Demographic Transition, Labour Markets and Regional Resilience
This book discusses the question of how a regional economy can develop under the influence of an ageing and declining population, and how regional development policies can help make labor markets mor …
Ben Aaronovitch: Ríos de Londres
  En Londres, la magia está fuera de control El joven Peter Grant era un agente de policía novato más hasta que un día, durante la investigación de un terrible asesinato, recibe cierta información de …
William Goldman: La princesa prometida
Este es el mejor libro del mundo. Hay mil razones para amarlo. Léelo y descubre la tuya. ¿De qué trata La princesa prometida? Bueno, es una historia de espadachines y de combates. Trata de amor etern …
Alejandro Taré & Cristina Gutiérrez: Quasar 2
Estimado lector, volvemos una vez más llamando a su interés, a su conciencia. Si tiene este ejemplar entre las manos es gracias a cinco mujeres y seis hombres que, amantes de la literatura de ciencia …
Amada Armenta & Caitlin Barry: Road to Sanctuary
During the Trump administration, more people sought sanctuary in churches in Philadelphia than any other city in the United States. The city was also on the front lines of progressive policy making, …
Cristina Martinez: O solzinho de todas as cores
A obra da autora Cristina Martinez trata da importância de sermos e respeitarmos como somos, pois, ninguém é igual a ninguém e cada um é bonito do seu jeito. Em um caminho de descobertas, o curioso s …
Cristina Martinez: O mundo da criança
Uma obra atemporal que traz uma nova dimensão e um olhar respeitoso e afetuoso à criança e ao seu entorno. O livro tem por base a concepção da neurociência, educação e educação parental encorajadora. …
Cristina Martinez: Disciplina e afeto
Criar filhos emocionalmente resilientes os prepara para percorrer as trilhas da vida e os torna capazes de reencontrar sua autoestima. Às vezes, você não precisa de um novo caminho, mas de uma nova m …
Little White Lies & Matt Thrift: Guía para hacer tu propia película en 39 pasos
¿Alguna vez has soñado con dirigir una película?¡Ahora puedes rodarla con tu teléfono! Te contamos en 39 pasos cómo hacer tu propio film. Ya sea para un largometraje o para un clip de Youtube, con es …
Cristina Martinez: O mundo da criança
O volume 2 do ‘O mundo da criança’ é uma exploração profunda e cativante do poder das emoções no processo de aprendizado das crianças. À medida que nossos filhos embarcam em sua jornada de conhecimen …
Claudia Wagner-Riddle & Brent Kaiser: Improving nitrogen use efficiency in crop production
  • Considers the role of fertiliser use in agriculture as a major contributor to the imbalance of the global nitrogen cycle
  • Reviews the effectiveness of inorganic nitrogen fertilisers …
Cristina Martinez: Acenda sua luz
‘Acenda sua Luz’ é uma obra infantojuvenil envolvente, que toca profundamente o coração dos leitores de todas as idades. Esta narrativa nos lembra que, independentemente das dificuldades enfrentadas, …
Cristina Martinez: Manual de educação parental
O Manual de educação parental, com coordenação editorial de Cristina Martinez, é uma obra prática e sensível que desafia as convenções educativas e convida os leitores a refletirem sobre suas prática …