This comprehensive resource highlights the most recent practicesand trends in blended learning from a global perspective andprovides targeted information for specific blended learningsituations. You’ll find examples of learning options that combineface-to-face instruction with online learning in the workplace, more formal academic settings, and the military. Across theseenvironments, the book focuses on real-world practices and includescontributors from a broad range of fields including trainers, consultants, professors, university presidents, distance-learningcenter directors, learning strategists and evangelists, generalmanagers of learning, CEOs, chancellors, deans, and directors ofglobal talent and organizational development. This diversity andbreadth will help you understand the wide range of possibilitiesavailable when designing blended learning environments. Orderyour copy today!
About the author
Curtis J. Bonk, Ph.D., is professor of instructional systems technology at Indiana University and president of Survey Share, Inc. He is also a senior research fellow with the Advanced Distributed Learning Lab within the U.S. Department of Defense in Washington, D.C. Bonk has more than one hundred publications in topics related to e-learning, collaborative technologies, and Web-based pedagogy and evaluation.
Charles R. Graham, Ph.D., is assistant professor of instructional psychology and technology at Brigham Young University with an interest in collaborative face-to-face and online learning environments.