Author: Cynthia V. Fukami

Steven previously spent 15 years at the leading edge of research, design and development within the electronics industry and became an R&D manager responsible for new product developments involving multi-million pound projects. He moved into management education in the UK Higher Education sector in late 1993 after completing an MBA and soon became the recipient of a prestigious Teaching Fellowship for innovations in curriculum development, teaching and learning. Shortly afterwards he completed a Certificate in Higher Education and a Ph D in Organizational Behaviour from the University of Leeds. Within Hull University Business School Steve has served as: Director of the Research Centre for Management and Organisational Learning (2001-2006); Deputy Director of Research (2005-2007); Director of Research (2007-2010). Nationally, he has served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Management Reviews (2004-2009); Council Member of the British Academy of Management (2004-2009); Co-founder, Vice President and now Treasurer of the European Learning Styles Information Network (1996-present). Internationally, Steve has served on the Executive Committee of the Management Education and Development Division of the Academy of Management. Offices included: Member-at-Large (1999-2001); Division Research Chair (2002); Division Program Chair-Elect (2003); Division Program Chair (2004); Division Chair-Elect (2005); Division Chair (2006); President and Past Chair (2007). He has helped organise 13 international events including 10 major conferences, presented more than 40 conference papers, edited 3 books, co-edited 7 books of conference proceedings, and authored more than 40 articles/book chapters. Steve is currently Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education and an editorial board member of International Journal of Management Reviews and Journal of Management Education. He is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Management and remains a Chartered Engineer, and a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

2 Ebooks by Cynthia V. Fukami

Steven J Armstrong & Cynthia V Fukami: SAGE Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development
The scholarship of management teaching and learning has established itself as a field in its own right and this benchmark handbook is the first to provide an account of the discipline. Original chapt …
Cynthia V Fukami & Steven Armstrong: The SAGE Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development
The scholarship of management teaching and learning has established itself as a field in its own right and this benchmark handbook is the first to provide an account of the discipline. Original chapt …