Richard Rutter lives and works in Brighton, U.K. He is production director for the web consultancy Clearleft ( Richard has been designing and developing websites for nigh on 10 years. Early in 2003, he built his first blogging engine, which still powers his weblog Clagnut (, in which he harps on about accessibility, web standards, and mountain biking.
2 Ebooks by Cynthia Waddell
Richard Rutter & Patrick H. Lauke: Web Accessibility
The power of the Web lies in the fact that anyone and everyone can access it, and this should also extend to users with disabilities. Accessibility is about making websites accessible to those with a …
Paul Bohman & Michael R. Burks: Constructing Accessible Web Sites
Accessibility is about making websites that don’t exclude people with visual, aural, or physical disabilities. Through real-world examples, this practical book will teach you how to create or retrofi …