ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award
Long before the words of the Bible were written, God's communication through the spoken word rang out loud and clear. Jesus in particular commissioned representatives to speak on his behalf even during the time of his earthly ministry. And yet today we are a reading culture. It is easy for modern Christians to take for granted that the Bible was handed down in written form, but the way we receive God's message is far different from how the original hearers would have heard it. These differences not only shape the way that we hear God's message to his people, but they put us at risk of misunderstanding his revelation.
In Hear Ye the Word of the Lord, biblical scholar D. Brent Sandy explores how oral communication shaped the ways that biblical writers received God's message—and even more importantly, how the ancient and modern faithful receive it through hearing. Filled with helpful biblical insights related to oral communication and constructive ways for modern readers to become better hearers and performers of Scripture, Hear Ye the Word of the Lord provides a constructive way forward for readers interested in exploring how we can better hear God's Word.
Table of Content
Foreword by John H. Walton
Part One: Setting the Stage
Proposition 1: Oral Culture Can Be a Lost World
Proposition 2: God Reached Across Great Distances—So Must We
Proposition 3: Divine Revelation Was Intended for Hearers
Proposition 4: Research Provides Important Insights into Ancient Oral Culture
Proposition 5: The Goal Is to Include Their Hearing in Our Reading
Part Two: God and His Agents of Oral Communication
Proposition 6: Scripture Presents God as the Ultimate Oral Communicator
Proposition 7: God Spoke Divine Truth to and Through Moses
Proposition 8: God Spoke Divine Truth to and Through the Prophets
Proposition 9: God Spoke Divine Truth to and Through Jesus
Proposition 10: Jesus Empowered His Followers to Proclaim the Gospel as He Did
Proposition 11: Jesus’ Followers Faithfully Remembered and Communicated the Oral Gospel
Part Three: Implications of Oral Scripture
Proposition 12: Stories Were Performed and Heard in Ancient Oral Culture
Proposition 13: We Can Become Better Hearers and Speakers of Scripture
Proposition 14: We Can Restore Oral Scripture to Its Rightful Place
Part Four: Experiments in Oral Interpretation
Proposition 15: Hearing Is More Than Reading: Understanding Scripture Holistically
Proposition 16: Hearing Is More Than Reading: Imagining Creation and Incarnation
Proposition 17: Hearing Is More Than Reading: Experiencing Jesus’ Return to Nazareth
Proposition 18: Hearing Is More Than Reading: Rethinking the Vine and the Branches
General Index
Scripture Index
About the author
John H. Walton (Ph D, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old Testament, emeritus, at Wheaton College and Graduate School. His many books include The Lost World of Genesis One and Wisdom for Faithful Reading.