The Christian life is a journey, as John Bunyan put it in Pilgrim’s Progress, from the ‘City of Destruction’ to the ‘Celestial City.’ The Christian’s experiences are many and varied along the way. Sometimes, the Christian seems to be in ‘green pastures’ and sometimes in the ‘valley of the shadow of death, ‘ yet the Shepherd is with him all the time and all the way. We have many blessings but also many trials in this ‘already but not yet’ life. Already we taste something of the joy of heaven and the ‘powers of the age to come’ but we are still beset with sin and weakness and must ‘keep on keeping on.’ It is hoped that this volume will bring encouragement to God’s people to do just that.
About the author
Mark J. Larson holds a BA in Bible from Cedarville University, a Th M in systematic theology from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Ph D in historical theology from Calvin Theological Seminary.