This book features contributions focusing on innovative technologies influencing industry and connectivity sectors in industrial, urban, social and sustainable development. The contributions cover many topics in mobility, including car manufacturing, e-mobility, smart cities, smart factories (Industry 4.0), smart logistics, social mobility, technological innovations, sustainability, management and marketing, multicultural development, Internet of Things sectors, etc. The contributions are applicable to researchers, academics, students, and professionals.
Table of Content
Introduction.- Bike Sharing – As Urban Transport Solution in a Small City.- Enhancing Resilience by Understanding Smart City and Safe City Concepts and their Common Systems.- Possibility Of Accelerating Power Signal Calculation In A System Of Internet Of Things.- State of art and challenges of robotics in Slovak Republic.- Concept of the Factories of the Future in Slovak industrial companies.- The importance of housing companies in the development of sustainable housing and increase in competitiveness.- Performance comparison of zoning techniques in geographic forwarding rules for ad hoc networks.- Scheduling heuristic to satisfy due dates of the customer orders in mass customized service industry.- Development of Employee Commitment Extent in Innovation Processes in Slovak Organisations.- Smart Surveillance Systems and Their Applications.- The Smart Logistics.- Identifying Points of Interest and Similar Individuals from Raw GPS Data.- Cooperation models for employee education: analysis on Slovak and Czech companies.- Testbed on IT communication in Smart Grid: a cyber security demonstration.- Aspects Affecting Emissions Production from Small Heat Sources.- The Effect of Bankruptcy on the Intangible Assets Valuation.- EDGE4ALL: Edge Computing for Smart City.- Simulator for Smart City Environment.- Evaluation of parking policy in Bratislava in the context of economic growth and automotive transport development in Slovakia.- Managerial Skills for Innovation Support.- Use of modern technologies at baggage tracking and its impact to airline revenue.- Rediscovering urban smart communities.- Industry 4.0 – the need of rethink strategic planning.- Moving towards Network State.- Are Home-based Businesses New Trends in Working Environment for Youth and Senior Entrepreneurs in Europe.- The platform for production capacity exchange management as a support for implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept.- Communication management in multi-client system using SMS gateway.- Smart Solutions for Big/Small Cities.- Intelligent Hardware-Software Platform for Efficient Coupling of Water-Energy Nexus in Smart Cities: A Conceptual Framework Cost Analysis of Telemedicine Implementation in the lens of Healthcare Sustainability.- Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Sector: Empirical evidences of Io HT Benefits and Limits on chronic disease management.- Software-Defined Networking for Smart Buildings: Advances and Challenges.- How Millennials will Use Autonomous Vehicles.- Smart Collaborative Learning Environment for Visually Impaired Children.- FMWare: Io T-based Fleet Management System.- Building Ecosystem to Support Social Mobility for Person with Disabilities (PWD): Malaysia Context.- Designing Playful Cities: Audio-Visual Metaphors for New Urban Environment Experience.- Migration and Diversity Potentials for the Labour Market.- Gender differences in the Income of Employees over 50 with Emphasis on Various Sectors of Economy.- Analytic Network Processas a Tool of Innovative Management at Manufacturing Technology Selection.- Conclusion.
About the author
Prof. M.A. Dagmar CAGÁŇOVÁ, Ph D. acts as General Summit Smart City 360° Chairwoman, the co-founder of the European Alliance for Innovation in Slovakia, and at the same time full prof. in Economics and Management of Enterprise. Prof. Cagáňová is at present Vice-dean for Strategic Development, Projects and Innovations at the Faculty of Management, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia. She is an International Advisory Council Member of Danubius University, Management Committee Member of E-COST (European Collaboration in Science and Technology) ) TN 1301 Sci Generation, the Executive Committee Member in Danubius Academic Consortium (Academic Network for Integral Innovation), a Steering Committee Member of Danube strategy Priority Axis 7: Knowledge society- science, research, innovation and ICT for the Slovak Republic, as well as a Member of i ATDi (International Association for Technological Development and Innovations), Vice-chairwoman of Cultural and Educational Grant Agency (Committee 3), Member of Accreditation Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. Prof. Cagáňová’s professional interests, research topics, and international collaborations are mainly focused on Intercultural and Innovation Management, Managerial Skills, Communication in Management and Marketing, International Marketing, International Relationships, Mobility and Smart Cities, and Gender Diversity. She has been the member of numerous journal editorial boards, co-editor of current content Special issues journals (MONET, WINET), an organiser, and a steering committee member of numerous domestic and international summits and conferences. Prof. Cagáňová has participated in 48 domestic and international projects as the project head and team member. She is the co-editor of Internet of Things, Io T Infrastructures 2014, part 2, Smart City 360 Degrees 2015, Internet of Things 2015, part 1 and 2 published by Springer and editor in co-authorship of the of Springer scientific monograph Mobility Internet of Things 2018, Smart Technology Trends in Industrial and Business Management 2019, Advances in Industrial Internet of Things, Engineering and Management 2021 and Industry 4.0 in Smart Cities 2022. To date, prof. Cagáňová has published more than 400 publications, 7 scientific monographs, 17 papers in current content journals with IF, 89 papers in databases WOS and 131 in databases SCOPUS and has over 700 citations, 359 of them in quotation databases WOS and SCOPUS, h-index in WOS is 12 and SCOPUS h-index 14.
Dr.h.c. prof. MSc. Michal Cehlár, Ph D. acts as Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Technical University of Košice, Chairman of the Board of Slovak Mining Chamber; President of Union of Waste Industry; Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Association of Industrial Unions and Transport; Member of the Supervisory Board, Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Geology; Court Expert: reg. num.: 910398 (Expert field: Mining Specialization: Extraction and Evaluation of Mineral Deposits); Member of High-Level Steering Group EIP on Raw Materials European Commission; Member of Steering Committee EIT Raw Materials European Commission.
MSc. Natália HORŇÁKOVÁ, Ph D. works as a researcher at the Faculty of Management, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia. N. Horňáková has received a doctorate degree in the study branch Industrial Management. Her professional interests, research topics, and international collaborations are mainly focused on Managerial Skills; Marketing; Innovation Management; Business Logistics; Mobility and Smart Cities; and Diversity. N. Horňáková is the author and co-author of 55 domestics and foreign publications, including 2 scientific monographs and 4 publications in the current content journals with IF, such as Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) and Wireless Networks (WINET), as well as the co-editor of a special issues of the current content journal MONET with the title Smart Solutions with the Focus on Innovations from Various Perspectives; Innovative Approaches in Io T, Management and Technology Challenges and the current content journal Sustainability, editor in co-authorship of the of Springer scientific monograph, Mobility Internet of Things 2018, books published by Springer, Advances in Industrial Internet of Things, Engineering and Management 2021 and Industry 4.0 in Smart Cities 2022. Her h-index in WOS is 5 and SCOPUS h-index 5. N. Horňáková has been a vice-head of 2 and team member of several and home and foreign projects including H2020 project. N. Horňáková is also a member of organizational and program committees mostly of foreign and domestic conferences, as well as a member of i ATDi (International Association for Technological Development and Innovations).